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User Name: Ibn_e_Hallaj
Full Name: Shams Syed
User since: 8/Dec/2010
No Of voices: 16
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ڈاگ ٹرذوالفقارمرزا تم سچ کاکوہ گراں ہو ۔ ابن حالاج
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj Created On: 15/Jul/2011 Views: 2313 Replies: 0 
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Who Killed Saleem Shahzad? by Ibn_e_Hallaj
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 13/Jul/2011 Views:2252 Replies:0 
The following is the self-introduction that slain Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad posted on the website of Asia Times Online. The self-penned introduction is revealing. Click here to read Full Article
As those in foreign lands rise up, U.S. activists must too persevere By Maureen Clare Murphy
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 26/Feb/2011 Views:2776 Replies:0 
In the last several days, Tunisia and Egypt have shown us what is possible when people are no longer afraid of those in power who deny them their rights and rob them of a life of freedom and dignity.Government oppression of peoples' democratic rights is not something endured only in the Middle East, however. Here in the United States, Click here to read Full Article
نوحہ ۔ ابن حالاج
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 10/Feb/2011 Views:4224 Replies:0 
Kya qom ki baybus aur mazloom beti Shumaila Kanwal ki maut behis hukumranon ki amriki zadgi ki wajah say ra'agan chali jaey gi yeh qatil Raymond Davis ko insaf kay katharay mein khara karkay insaf kia kaey ga. Click here to read Full Article
The brutal truth about Tunisia By Robert Fisk
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 20/Jan/2011 Views:3131 Replies:0 
The end of the age of dictators in the Arab world? Certainly they are shaking in their boots across the Middle East, the well-heeled sheiks and emirs, and the kings, including one very old one in Saudi Arabia and a young one in Jordan, and presidents – another very old one in Egypt and a young one in Syria – because Tunisia wasn't meant to happen. Food price riots in Algeria, too, and demonstratio Click here to read Full Article
سلمان تاثیر کےبارےمیں چنداہم سوالات ۔ ابن حالاج
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 13/Jan/2011 Views:2343 Replies:0 
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Mumtaz Hussain Qadri. Munzom Khiraj-e-Tehseen by Ibn Hallaj
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 13/Jan/2011 Views:4462 Replies:0 
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لچی لفنگی جمہوریت ۔ ابن حالاج
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 8/Jan/2011 Views:2693 Replies:1 
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Julian Assange is our hero.
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 28/Dec/2010 Views:3056 Replies:0 
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WikiLeaks cables: Bangladeshi 'death squad' trained by UK government
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 23/Dec/2010 Views:2856 Replies:1 
The British government has been training a Bangladeshi paramilitary force condemned by human rights organisations as a "government death squad", leaked US embassy cables have revealedMembers of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), which has been held responsible for hundreds of extra-judicial killings in recent years and is said to routinely use torture, have received British training in "investigat. Click here to read Full Article
WikiLeaks cables: Pfizer 'used dirty tricks to avoid clinical trial payout'
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 10/Dec/2010 Views:2428 Replies:0 
Cables say drug giant hired investigators to find evidence of corruption on Nigerian attorney general to persuade him to drop legal action.The world's biggest pharmaceutical company hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to persuade him to drop legal action over a controversial drug trial involving children with meningitis, according to Click here to read Full Article

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