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User Name: ShakirQureshi
Full Name: Shakir Qureshi
User since: 3/Dec/2009
No Of voices: 55
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لارڈ نذیر پر قاتلانہ حملہ ۔ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi Created On: 1/Dec/2011 Views: 1757 Replies: 0 
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Biraheem ki Talash by Karwan-e-Fikar
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 25/Nov/2011 Views:2257 Replies:0 
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Yeh WATAN Humara hey Hum hain PASBAN iis Key!!'' event by Karwan e Fikar UK.
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 15/Sep/2011 Views:2463 Replies:0 
Pakistan defence day in tooting Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 14/Aug/2011 Views:2493 Replies:0 
From the Deepest cores of OUR Hearts .......To ALL our Pakistani Brothers , Sisters & Seniors.YEH WATAN HAMARA HEY ..... HUM HAIN PASBAN IIS KEY ! Click here to read Full Article
Shakir Qureshi wth Ed Miliband Leader Labout Party
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 11/Aug/2011 Views:1931 Replies:0 
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اب کون ہے ملت کے مقدر کا ستارہ ؟ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:2360 Replies:0 
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Pakistanis demands US President Obama to Stop drone Attacks in Pakistan by ShakirQureshi.
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 29/May/2011 Views:5429 Replies:1 
Karwan e Fikar UK team's Message on it's Demonstration in front of UK Parliament Led by Lord Nazir Ahmed, ShakirQureshi, Zahoor Niazi, Bar. Abid & UK based Leaders of main Stream Political Parties & Leaders of Civil Society, it was such a success that it could get the Intention of main authorities. Click here to read Full Article
IQBAL ka PAKISTAN a joint event by Karwan e Fikar UK & Majlis e Iqbal UK
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 3/May/2011 Views:2243 Replies:0 
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Mehfil e Milad by Karwan e Fikar UK - ShakirQureshi, (youtube)
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 1/Mar/2011 Views:3394 Replies:0 
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حسین حقانی کو استثنیٰ حاصل ہے؟شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 26/Feb/2011 Views:2556 Replies:0 
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وہ قاتل ہے ۔ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 10/Feb/2011 Views:2341 Replies:0 
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