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User Name: adil1986
Full Name: Adil Rizwan Khan
User since: 2/Sep/2008
No Of voices: 5
Adil Rizwan Khan's Favorite Voices
1: Bahawalpur .

It's totally flak false propaganda against two Pakistani world class bowlers
Posted By: adil1986 Created On: 1/Sep/2010 Views: 2735 Replies: 0 
It's totally flak false propaganda against two Pakistani world class bowlers. It's not a truth!!!!! Click here to read Full Article

Bahawalpur .
Posted By: adil1986 On: 9/Feb/2010 Views:4968 Replies:0 
Bahawalpur (Punjabi, Urdu: بہاولپور), located in the province of Punjab, is the twelfth largest city in Pakistan. The city was once the capital of the former princely state of Bahawalpur. The city was home to various Nawabs (King's) and counted as part of the the Rajputana states (now Rajasthan, India). Click here to read Full Article
قائداعظم کے متعلق اہل نظر کی آراء
Posted By: adil1986 On: 7/Feb/2010 Views:3183 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: adil1986 On: 21/Jan/2010 Views:2460 Replies:0 
Do we now the meaning of the self-respect do we have a self-respect do we learned from any where. No body teach think about that Click here to read Full Article
ہمیں ضرورت نہیں۔
Posted By: adil1986 On: 30/Jun/2009 Views:2506 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article

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Bahawalpur .
Views:4968 Replies:0
قائداعظم کے متعلق اہل نظر کی آراء
Views:3183 Replies:0
It's totally flak false propaganda against two Pakistani world class bowlers
Views:2735 Replies:0
ہمیں ضرورت نہیں۔
Views:2506 Replies:0
Views:2460 Replies:0

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