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User Name: baba23
Full Name: Muhammad Hanif
User since: 30/Jun/2008
No Of voices: 3
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ملکی سیاست میں ابھرنے والی متنازعہ شخصیت رحمان ملک
Posted By: baba23 Created On: 2/May/2009 Views: 3916 Replies: 0 
. Click here to read Full Article

Pakistan First Strategic Think Tank Report: Exclusive: The Reality of Drone Attacks
Posted By: baba23 On: 2/May/2009 Views:4983 Replies:0 
The reality of the drone attacks on Pakistan has been kept hidden from the eyes of the common man. Pakistan First's Strategic Think Tank now reveals the truth. People of Pakistan deserve to know the truth. They have a right to information which affects them and which has put them in mortal danger. Click here to read Full Article
Why Pig Fat is not mentioned but code(s) are printed??
Posted By: baba23 On: 28/Apr/2009 Views:148597 Replies:45 
PIGS have the highest quantity of FAT in their body than any other animal. But Europeans and Americans try to avoid fats. Thus, where does the FAT from these PIGS go? All pigs are cut inslaughter hous Click here to read Full Article

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