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User Name: f_f
Full Name: f f
User since: 10/Mar/2010
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Intelligence agencies behind terrorism: Edhi by By Shahid Husain
Posted By: f_f Created On: 5/May/2010 Views: 2210 Replies: 0 
“I launched a peace mission some two months ago and went to Waziristan, Swat and other war-torn areas of Pakistan and the Taliban told me they respected me a lot and were not involved in terrorist activities in the country,” Edhi told The News. Click here to read Full Article

Afghanistan: Half Of Afghan Taliban Leadership Arrested By Pakistan By Anand Gopal Correspondent
Posted By: f_f On: 10/Mar/2010 Views:2892 Replies:0 
Pakistan has arrested nearly half of the Afghanistan Taliban’s leadership in recent days, Pakistani officials told the Monitor Wednesday, dealing what could be a crucial blow to the insurgent movement.In total, seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week, Click here to read Full Article

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Afghanistan: Half Of Afghan Taliban Leadership Arrested By Pakistan By Anand Gopal Correspondent
Views:2892 Replies:0
Intelligence agencies behind terrorism: Edhi by By Shahid Husain
Views:2210 Replies:0

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