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User Name: farhan
Full Name: farhan zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 76
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Posted By: farhan Created On: 19/Sep/2011 Views: 7963 Replies: 0 
When I Go To The West I See Islam Without Muslims.But When I Come Back To The East I See Muslims Without Islam Click here to read Full Article

General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S. Government! - Must Watch
Posted By: farhan On: 18/May/2011 Views:5634 Replies:0 
The plan to invade Iraq and other countries was indeed in place before 9-11. Rumsfeld was almost delighted at a meeting on 9-12, saying the now it'll be easy to get the public to agree to attack Iraq. These weirdos commenting here that Gen Clark was lying about something are simply illogical; They are simply among the millions of Americans who were easily fooled into thinking Iraq had something t Click here to read Full Article
Five things before going to bed at night
Posted By: farhan On: 8/Mar/2009 Views:8661 Replies:3 
The Prophet (SWS) one day said to Ali (RA): Ya Ali! Do these five things before going to bed at night: Click here to read Full Article
Poor Musharraf - after resigning - Cartoons
Posted By: farhan On: 29/Aug/2008 Views:7343 Replies:2 
Altered comic images of Muloon Musharraf Click here to read Full Article
بھٹو سائین دھرتی مان دی پارت ھوو&#
Posted By: farhan On: 3/Apr/2008 Views:3885 Replies:0 
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Zimedar Kon Hai?..... By... Abbas Athar
Posted By: farhan On: 12/Mar/2008 Views:4587 Replies:0 
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Free and Fair Election by Govermnet Part 2
Posted By: farhan On: 21/Feb/2008 Views:4249 Replies:0 
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Free and Fair Election by Govermnet
Posted By: farhan On: 17/Feb/2008 Views:4092 Replies:0 
Qatil League is showing its strength in streets Click here to read Full Article
Khud Kash bombar ke betey ka khut Allha ko........ by.. Raheel Ahmad
Posted By: farhan On: 12/Feb/2008 Views:5420 Replies:0 
Its True........Anti Mush Nation is Terriorist Click here to read Full Article
save the Capital.....! by....... Irfan Siddiqui
Posted By: farhan On: 31/Dec/2007 Views:4032 Replies:0 
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Last Hamid Mir
Posted By: farhan On: 31/Dec/2007 Views:3732 Replies:0 
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