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User Name: kzabbasi
Full Name: khurshid uz zaman abbasi
User since: 25/Apr/2009
No Of voices: 51
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آزاد کشمیر کا عدالتی بحران ۔ خورشیدالزماں عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi Created On: 11/Apr/2010 Views: 3026 Replies: 0 
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پاکستان کی سیاسی ماں ۔ خورشیدالزماں عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 20/Mar/2010 Views:3076 Replies:0 
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آزادکشمیر میں دنگل ساز اسمبلی ۔ خورشیدالزمان عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 3/Mar/2010 Views:2895 Replies:0 
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امریکی عدالتوں کااحترام کریں ۔ خورشید الزماں عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 25/Feb/2010 Views:3050 Replies:0 
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Posted By: kzabbasi On: 18/Feb/2010 Views:3561 Replies:0 
Dear All,We all listen to the Quran but dont understand the meaning because it’s in Arabic language. We do have many means to translate it in our mother language like the one below.Below mentioned is an amazing website for the Holy Quran. Just put the mouse on any line and you will find the translation of that line Click here to read Full Article
جمھوریت،جھوٹ،صحافت اور ترید ۔ خورشیدالزماں عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 15/Feb/2010 Views:3013 Replies:0 
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پاکستان کی قوم کی فطری عادت۔ خورشیدالزماں عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 26/Jan/2010 Views:3102 Replies:0 
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یہ بچے کیا پوچھتے ھیں ۔ خورشید الزماں عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 6/Jan/2010 Views:3020 Replies:0 
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عقل سے پردہ ہٹاؤبحکم صدرپاکستان۔خورشیدالزماں عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 31/Dec/2009 Views:3068 Replies:0 
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حلوہ سازش کیس ۔ خورشیدالزمان عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 21/Dec/2009 Views:3403 Replies:0 
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دھشت گردی کے خاتمے کا حل ۔ خورشیدالزمان عباسی
Posted By: kzabbasi On: 9/Dec/2009 Views:2366 Replies:0 
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