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User Name: wasis
Full Name: wasi siddiqui
User since: 20/Oct/2006
No Of voices: 25
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The Muslim World by Wasi Siddiqui
Posted By: wasis Created On: 13/May/2011 Views: 2925 Replies: 0 
The Muslim has forgotten the teaching of The holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad saying As a result they are suffering Not realizing what they are doing Click here to read Full Article

Vanished Persian Army remains found .
Posted By: wasis On: 11/Nov/2009 Views:3538 Replies:0 
50,000 soldiers believed buried by a cataclysmic sandstorm in 525 B.C.The remains of a mighty Persian army said to have drowned in the sands of the desert 2,500 years ago might have been located Click here to read Full Article
Finance crisis claims 70,000 more jobs
Posted By: wasis On: 27/Jan/2009 Views:3260 Replies:0 
Companies forecast almost 70,000 job cuts in a single day as the rampant crisis born in the banking sector struck workers in factories and offices across the globe and brought down a government on Mon Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan not linked to Mumbai attacks: Britain
Posted By: wasis On: 14/Jan/2009 Views:3479 Replies:0 
Britain's foreign minister said on Tuesday that he believed the Pakistan state did not direct the Mumbai attacks, contradicting accusations from the Indian government that state agencies were involv Click here to read Full Article
Mumbai attacks : Karkare killed by BJP
Posted By: wasis On: 4/Jan/2009 Views:3171 Replies:0 
He was killed in the line of duty during the Mumbai attacks and was accorded a hero's farewell, but Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad Click here to read Full Article
Indian minister raises doubts over Karkare's killing
Posted By: wasis On: 15/Dec/2008 Views:3374 Replies:0 
Indian Minority affairs minister A R Antulay demanding a probe into the shooting of Mumbai ATS A R Antulay reacts while interacting with media outside Parliament House in New Delhi. Click here to read Full Article
The President of Corruption (Asif Ali Zardari)
Posted By: wasis On: 13/Sep/2008 Views:3816 Replies:0 
I did not know that having a Bambino Cinema, some agricultural land to cultivate rice in Sindh (in 70s and 80s) and an apartment in Bedford can yield to this much wealth... Looks like underworld Bill Click here to read Full Article
The American Policy by Wasi Siddiqui
Posted By: wasis On: 1/Sep/2008 Views:4914 Replies:0 
The Americans are best in their policy, They don Click here to read Full Article
US soldier uses Quran as target practice
Posted By: wasis On: 18/May/2008 Views:3133 Replies:1 
A soldier used the Quran -- Islam,s holy book -- for target practice, forcing the chief U.S. commander in Baghdad to issue a formal apology on Saturday Click here to read Full Article
TTC: The changing face of Transportation
Posted By: wasis On: 27/Apr/2008 Views:3631 Replies:0 
Recently when a TTC driver was assaulted while at duty it raised a serious concern as how to provide a safe and secure working environment to drivers, who almost risk their lives while doing Click here to read Full Article
Benzair·s cursed apartment
Posted By: wasis On: 26/Apr/2008 Views:3106 Replies:0 
The apartment of Benazir Bhutto in Manhattan, the city's most expensive area, has a dark and mysterious history. For a visitor, it is a beautifully furnished penthouse, with panoramic view Click here to read Full Article

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