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User Name: Irshad1
Full Name: Irshad Mahmood
User since: 17/Jan/2017
No Of voices: 2
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Why Wudu / Ablution before Salaat / Prayers by Irshad Mahmood
Posted By: Irshad1 Created On: 23/Jan/2017 Views: 1662 Replies: 0 
The Quraan is the book of Guidance for Mankind which covers all the aspects of life including social, economic, cultural, political and religious matters. The importance of wudu (ablution) is described in the Quraan in many ways to teach Muslims the importance of performing wudu. Although the word wudu is not described in Quran but the steps before Salaat/Prayers are described in the Quraan quite Click here to read Full Article

پرندے کیوں نہیں آتے ، کنکر کیوں نہیں گراتے
Posted By: Irshad1 On: 17/Jan/2017 Views:3918 Replies:0 
Parinday Keon Nahi Aatay,Kankar Keon Nahi Giratay? A heart Touching Speach From A Pakistani Boy Click here to read Full Article

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پرندے کیوں نہیں آتے ، کنکر کیوں نہیں گراتے
Views:3918 Replies:0
Why Wudu / Ablution before Salaat / Prayers by Irshad Mahmood
Views:1662 Replies:0

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