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User Name: Ishaal
Full Name: Ishaal Zehra
User since: 7/Mar/2012
No Of voices: 6
Ishaal Zehra's Favorite Voices
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Indian Political Blunder: Sikh Genocide 1984 by Zehra.
Posted By: Ishaal Created On: 31/May/2013 Views: 1286 Replies: 0 
General Sinha was the General Officer Commanding Western Command, a prestigious appointment in the early eighties, and was transferred to Delhi as the Vice Chief of Army Staff, with the expectation that he would succeed General K. V. Krishna Rao as the Army Chief. Click here to read Full Article

Operation Blue Star: Democracy justifies Injustice by Ishaal Zehra
Posted By: Ishaal On: 28/May/2013 Views:1629 Replies:0 
It was fiery June of 1984. There was a large crowd of people in the Holy Shrine gathered to observe the martyrdom day of their Guru Arjun Dev, an event of special significance in the development of Sikh faith. Sikhs from all over the world had travel long distances to become part of this Holy ritual. Many of whom wouldn’t have even thought in their wildest dreams that this could be their last jour Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan launches first Ever National by Ishaal Zehra
Posted By: Ishaal On: 27/Feb/2013 Views:1237 Replies:0 
Much compliments for the Ministry of Climate Change, in Islamabad, on providing a framework for coping with the threats of climate change through adaptation and mitigation measures. The policy, officially launched on February 26, 2013, focuses on development sectors such as water resources, agriculture and livestock, forestry, human health, disaster preparedness, transport and energy. Click here to read Full Article
Contributors to Bangladesh’s Independence Receive Awards by Ishaal Zehra
Posted By: Ishaal On: 19/Dec/2012 Views:1505 Replies:0 
Hilarious, but true. Government of Bangladesh, or should I say Shaikh Hasina’s government, arranged the 4th phase of honouring the “Foreign Friends of Bangladesh” who supported the liberation war. The grand ceremony was held on 15th December 2012 at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre where Bangladesh conferred awards on 65 more foreign friends for their outstanding contributions to the Click here to read Full Article
US-Israel Nexus: Danger to Peace by by Ishaal Zehra
Posted By: Ishaal On: 11/Mar/2012 Views:2646 Replies:0 
The headlines of nearly all colossal newspapers carried the same tag line on that particular day, they said “President Barack Obama had a clear message in his speech to the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) On March 4, 2012: It's war.” Critiques say by addressing this powerful pro-Israel lobby, Obama actually delivered messages to multiple political audiences: Israel, Iran, Click here to read Full Article
America’s Lost Sleep for Balochistan by Ishaal Zehra
Posted By: Ishaal On: 7/Mar/2012 Views:2331 Replies:0 
Eddie Walsh, foreign correspondent of Al Jazeera English, in his article “Should the US support an independent Balochistan?” interestingly writes “Over the last few months, a small faction of congressmen, minority Afghan groups, Baloch nationalists, and their supporters have laid out the framework for an alternative US policy approach for Southwest Asia. This alternative policy centres on backing Click here to read Full Article

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