"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Gen. Kapoor, Gen. Tariq Majeed and Gen. Stanley McChrystal – A puppet show

By: Earthman, International Professor

There is a lot of hue and cry in India and Pakistan on threatening statement of Gen. Kapoor and rejoinder by Gen. Tariq Majeed. Indian army chief says that India is organizing its army against Pakistan and China, his statement must be viewed with existing ground realities that India is an old ally of communist bloc that has recently been hired by imperialist powers for their vested interests, and their main target is to take Indian resources in their hands, control their market and ultimately sell their weapons and arms. India is going to be trapped under same spider web which East India Company created in 19th century. So generally statements of Indian leaders reflect their faithfulness and mirror their loyalty with newly acquired lords.

Whereas Indian army is involved in serious human right violations and one million army personnel are slaughtering innocent Kashmiri Muslims since decades. Moreover more than a dozen independent movements in India have entered in a dangerous phase of conflict. The joint venture of Italian Sonia and Sardar Ji is living in the paradise of fools that old colonial masters would easily put on their palm every arsenal in their fold. So imperialist masters are in scanning phase and as soon as hidden weaknesses of Indian government would be exposed their actual agenda would be replaced by so called goodwill. America is under serious financial crisis and under huge debts of China; their administration has no way out how to get rid of yellow beer. India among poorest nation of the world is not capable of bearing any thrust which could derail its artificial economy. Income of call centers and finding cheap Indian labor is provisional phase, moreover their economical boast on the basis of technological labor is temporary and for from reality of becoming a permanent developed country. Craze on the basis of technological labor has ruined many economies in the last decade and imperialist masters have sucked pennies from under developed countries to sell their arms by pushing India type countries in to wars or dragged them in conflicts for their political reasons.

Forecast of Gen. Kapoor according to his statement is a mirror to gauge neo-colonial mentality of Indian slaves. Let them collect American weapons and fight with China and Pakistan that would make India a beggar very soon. We are concerned with Indian public which is already living in poverty and recent illusion of boom is limited to a few urban areas, a new planning of war would push India back in Stone Age. In fact Indians are our dear enemies; we cannot survive without existence of such a loving enemy who has many things in common with us. It is history that such kinds of general who have political ambitions ultimately create hell for their peoples on the long run.

 Now talking about rejoinder of Gen. Tariq Majeed, Joint Chief of Pakistan army, he said that “Indian army knows us very well”. What Indian army knows us? We don’t know but situation of Pakistan is quite different from India. In the eyes of colonial masters the Government of Pakistan is an old age loyal hoar, now working as bawd for old customers? Starting from Korean War of 1953 to yesterday’s visit of American General Stanley McChrystal, there is no word of denial from Pakistani Government in obeying orders of their old financiers.

Political stand of Indian Government is based on illusive optimism because those are spanking with new lover, the neo-colonists, where as Pakistan government has been almost abandoned by same powers and treated as outdated love affair, now considered to be a street hooker that is sucking money in shortest possible time. And circumstances have reached to a state that Pakistan Government is openly negotiating worth of sons and daughters of the soil for earning purposes. Unfortunately free American dollar is working as an opium, that has compelled elite class to live in easy and luxurious life style, to test the patience of Government of Pakistan when Imperialist masters put a feet on the flowing pipe line of American dollars, everyone in Government rush to London and Washington to reassure existence of their loyalty in shameless manner and on immodest terms.

On January 05, 2010 at Islamabad, US General Stanley McChrystal lauded the ability, strength and capability of the Pakistan Army. Gen. McChrystal said that he had been in touch with General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and talked to him about the ongoing issues and further cooperation between the armed forces of Pakistan and the US. He said “We have been able to discuss each and every thing and are comfortable with each other in these talks. He said he had very close relations with Gen Kayani, adding that sometimes personal relations matter a lot in developing the operational cooperation. He said the US was seeking cooperation from Pakistan for developing a joint strategic partnership and for a joint and coordinated campaign plan. (Refer the News, Jan 05, 2010)

Personal relations between Gen. Kiyani and Gen. McChrystal are crystal clear, those are the same relations that a bus driver has with a passenger or a white lord has with his chocolate slave. American ambitions are not hidden; those are giving dollars and in return asking for dead bodies of Pakistani citizens. So crook smiles of Gen. McChrystal achieved marvellous success in his mission and Government of Pakistan has agreed to expand further operations to North Waziristan. It also agreed to eliminate old buddies of ISI, the Haqqani group, and last week Gen. Kiyani visited Kabul and an agreement has been finalized that should be considered as war declaration against ethnic Pushtoon living in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Now be ready for more suicide attacks and face anarchy in the country. Gen. Kapoor did not threat Pakistan but indirectly encouraged Pakistan army to go ahead and fight American war, the main intention of his statement is to divert attention of Pakistani public from slavish attitude of Pakistan army. India needs no preparations to invade on Pakistan; long borders have significant gaps without presence of Pakistan army. At least six to eight divisions have been removed completely and some regiments essential part of other divisions has also been moved to fight American war. Focus of ISI, special services and MI is completely on citizens of Pakistan. Currently hidden prison cells of ISI and MI are overloaded with local peoples including women and children. After Gen. Kiyani’s commitment to extend war to other areas would require more divisions, and Pak army has no choice except to pull more troops from its eastern borders.

Gen. Kapoor is an American puppet and by knowing that strength of Pak army has been reduced to half against India, he has no courage to even think about invasion. Once Pak army would decide that it really wants to defend Pakistan than everyone on the black list of America would join Pak army in defence of Pakistan. It is a dilemma that no Pakistani thinks that Pakistan army is defending Pakistan and everybody thinks that it is a mercenary force hired by NATO. The peoples in favour of fighting American war are mostly living in defence housings, posh areas and travel in bullet proof cars and dine in five star restaurants.

Remember the day when NATO started invasion of Afghanistan from inside airspace and waters of Pakistan, the same day India brought its artillery and started shelling on Pakistan borders, for one day, why? Gen. Musharraf wanted to hide and divert the attention of Pakistani public from his crimes. In the meanwhile from the sea within Pakistani territory and from the air force bases NATO bombers started to ruin Afghanistan and kill Muslim Pushtoon. At that time India was playing as puppet and today it is stronger finger puppet of Americans as well.

Pakistan and India has almost same culture of corruption, politicians of both countries are 100% corrupt, whereas corruption rate in Indian army is far lower than Pakistan army. Indian politicians keep nationalist mind set whereas top Pakistani politicians are agents of foreign powers and inducted in the system by their lords who are ready to sell their soul and body for the sake of dollars.

Moreover top Pakistani generals are also on pay role of CIA and working for foreign interests. Pakistan is a heaven of spies, moles and foreign mercenary agents, living in cantonments or secretly ISI hired bungalows. Indian generals are babies in front of Pakistani generals and possibly Indian generals would find a chance to work as a mole of foreign countries for making money. Gen. Kapoor is his masters voice nothing else, barking dogs seldom bite.

The reply of Gen. Tariq Majeed is self explanatory that Gen. Kapoor knows us very well. Next day brought another blow for Gen. Kapoor, when Gen. McChrystal told journalists that he and Kiyani have same maternal grandmother, possibly from Jhelum or Gujar Khan Areas. Gen. Kapoor even cannot think such kind of honour. It is hoped that he would be jealous on the statements of US generals in praise of Kiyani including Field Marshall Mike Mullen and Chief of army staff Gen. David Petraus etc. Gen. Kapoor must learn lessons from Gen. Tariq Majeed and Gen. Kiyani, or read book Dummies Bible for neo-colonial slaves.

Current state of American war has achieved following status: 

Pulling more troops from eastern borders has been decided.

Expansion of war to other agencies including North Waziristan has also been agreed.

Fight against Afghan war lord known as Haqqani network has been agreed.

Looted money of NRO has been decided to put back in to the pockets of looters and thugs. Zardari and Gaillani mafia is today saying that “Hum Aik Hain” mean looters and security guards have joined their hands.

ISI, MI, MQM, ANP, Sunni Tehreek and PPP have also joined hands to bring Pakistan to Stone Age. These four elements are visible in any terrorism, either May 12, Oct 18, Loot in Sindh after death of Benazir or incidence of 10th Moharram at Karachi, and every day target killings at Karachi etc.

A new wave of suicide bombing would kill many more innocents, be ready for your safety and security.

May God save Pakistan from its enemies sitting at GHQ and Prime Minister and President Houses, puppets sitting in parliament are criminals, wait for wrath of God and regularly pray may God save the lives of ordinary Pakistani peoples being used as scapegoats in American war, and bring to all criminals to justice who are trying to sell Pakistan in greed of American dollars.


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