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Stimulated instability in Af-Pak region Part-3 by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja Created On: 7/Oct/2021 Views: 2166 Replies: 0 
The Taliban’s meteoric victory has dejected the USA, Europe, India, Israel, Iran, liberals and seculars all over the world but has pleased the Islamists. Countries governed by parliamentary democracy and dictatorship are also upset. The victorious Taliban after giving general amnesty to the collaborators, have neither carried out any retributions, nor demanded trials of those who had indulged in Click here to read Full Article

Stimulated instability in Af-Pak region Part-2 by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 7/Oct/2021 Views:2216 Replies:0 
The seven Mujahideen groups duly supported by Pakistan had fought, defeated and ousted the occupying Soviet forces in Feb 1989 after a 10-year bloody war. Left in a lurch by the USA, they got embroiled in a power struggle which led to a civil war in 1992. Tehreek-Taliban-Movement (TTA) under Mullah Omar originated in Kandahar in 1994 as a consequence of the highly disturbed security situation in A Click here to read Full Article
Terrorism in Pakistan not dying down by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 28/Sep/2021 Views:2481 Replies:0 
The upsurge in acts of terror in Waziristan and interior Baluchistan is not declining in spite of a radically changed environment in Afghanistan and installation of a fence along the western border. The recurring incidents have caused casualties to the security forces. On Aug 18, N/Sub Sonay Zia was martyred in South Waziristan (SW); on Aug 22, Capt Kashif embraced martyrdom after his jeep was hit Click here to read Full Article
Stimulated instability in Af-Pak region. (Part-1) by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 28/Sep/2021 Views:2140 Replies:0 
Pakistan under Gen Ziaul Haq was sucked into the Afghan Jihad as a result of forcible occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet Red Army in Dec 1979. The Soviet intervention displaced 6 million Afghans, out of which 5 million were accommodated by Pakistan. About 3 million refugees are still residing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Baluchistan and other parts of the country. The Afghan Mujahideen and tribesm Click here to read Full Article
Why sudden increase in terrorism in Pakistan? by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 5/Feb/2021 Views:2725 Replies:0 
After the Islamic revolution in Iran in March 1979, the next big event which took place was the occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet forces in December 1979. In anticipation to the Great Bear taking the next step in search of warm waters, Pakistan’s President Gen ZiaulHaq considered it prudent to support the Afghan resistance movement and to fight the war on Afghan soil rather than waiting to f Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan Democratic Movement by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 3/Feb/2021 Views:2128 Replies:0 
Pakistan located at the crossroad of South Asia, West Asia and Central Asia, and being a Muslim country, a nuclear power, and blessed with best armed forces, is an eyesore for the three strategic partners USA, Israel and India since it is seen as a bottleneck in the way of their global ambitions. It is owing to these concerns that hidden hands have fomented insurgencies in Pakistan former FATA and Click here to read Full Article
Indian terrorism exposed India’s misdoings in historical perspective by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/Jan/2021 Views:1628 Replies:0 
The security situation of Pakistan has remained turbulent right from its inception due to meddlesome role of India. India has waged wars and employed indirect strategy to destabilize Pakistan. Reason behind India’s unending hostility is its belief in mythical Mahabharata and its desire to become the unchallenged power of South Asia. Pakistan’s refusal to accept India’s hegemony has kept the two ar Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan’s Missed Opportunities by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 12/Dec/2020 Views:1656 Replies:0 
The historic plan of June 3, 1947 stipulated partition of the Indian subcontinent into two dominions on the principles of self-determination for contagious Muslim majority states for Pakistan and non-Muslims for India. The 562 princely states were free to accede either to Pakistan or India giving due credence to communal demographic milieus. Princely State Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) with 80% Muslim ma Click here to read Full Article
September 65 and the Nation by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 15/Sep/2020 Views:1898 Replies:0 
In early September 1965 clouds of war were gathering ominously but had not burst as yet. On 5th September a van stopped alongside my car at Elphinstone Street Karachi and its driver seeing me listening to the news on my car radio, eagerly asked, “Has Pakistan declared war?”. “No” I replied, but could see the disappointment writ large on his face. Early next morning the Indians started it but trea Click here to read Full Article
Simmering cauldron of South China Sea by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 8/Aug/2020 Views:1644 Replies:0 
Washington has a long record of bullying nations to meet its demands, changing regimes and of engaging in illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.After the demise of USSR and end of Cold War, the US locked horns with another communist giant China, and is also engaged in neo-colonizing the Muslim world. Zionists and the American-Jewish lobby have been influencin Click here to read Full Article
Turbulent 2020 by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 28/Jul/2020 Views:1265 Replies:0 
The year 2020 upon which we had pinned high hopes for better days ahead is proving to be another difficult year. The whole world is in a flux and hardly any corner is safe from troubles. End of super power rivalry and the 45 years Cold War should have made the unipolar world under the USA peaceful. Instead, initiation of destructive global war on terror by the crusaders after 9/11 to make the worl Click here to read Full Article

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