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یوم دفاع پاکستان ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1159 Replies:0 
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SAARC SUMMIT MEETING by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1154 Replies:0 
India’s refusal coupled with influencing Bangla Desh, Bhutan and Afghanistan also to not attend the ensuing SAARC Summit meeting in Pakistan on the pretext of the atmosphere being not very conducive for the meeting due to the “increasing cross-border terrorist attacks in the region” is sheer nonsense and tantamount to sabotaging the meeting. India is afraid that Pakistan could raise the question Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan’s Security and Political Situation by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1521 Replies:0 
Dynamics of World Global Politics After the 2nd World War, USA and Soviet Union emerged as two super powers and the two rivals got locked in a Cold War for next 46 years. Bi-polarism had its own flaws but to some extent it suited the weaker nations in the developing world. Break up of Soviet Union in 1991 and shrinking to Russian Federation changed the world dynamics from bi-polarism to uni-polar Click here to read Full Article
Raiwind Rumblings by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1140 Replies:0 
Eversince Imran Khan’s call to march on to Raiwind, some of the more loyal than the king Noon Leaguers are trying to outdo each other in demonstrating their loyalty to Sharif brothers by raising Danda Bardar, Zaeem Jan Nisar, Anda & Tamatar and even the women forces brandishing their dandas, gandasas, kulharis and sotas, declaring openly and threateningly and not in so civilized a language too t Click here to read Full Article
Kashmir: Do USA and China misuse India and Pakistan? by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1050 Replies:0 
At the outset, USA and China are big economic powers enjoying UN veto status while India and Pakistan are third world countries with a conflict over an alien Kashmir and seeking the support of veto members to justify their individual positions over Kashmir. As they try ot influence USA and China, the South Asian nuclear powers are obviously being misused by the veto powers for their own advantages Click here to read Full Article
Right to Vote by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1158 Replies:0 
The constitution of Pakistan says, “Nothing repugnant to Qura’n and Sunnah shall be enacted in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan”. In Sura 39 Ayat No. 9 Almighty Allah asks in Qura’n, “ Kia ilm waley aur jahil brabar ho saktey hein?” In other words they cannot be. But our constitution treats them equal by granting them the same equal right of one man one vote! Does it not make the constitutio Click here to read Full Article
North Korea is scared of USA; Japan says North Korea is a serious threat! by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1129 Replies:0 
World is passing through an era or age of uncertainty as most countries have amassed high powered missiles and thousands of WMD, threatening the humanity more than ever before. Notwithstanding opposition by US led western powers, North Korea keeps firing 21 ballistic missiles and conducted two nuclear tests this year alone, most recently on September 09. North Korea’s neighbors South Korea and Jap Click here to read Full Article
Syria: Dark and smoky tunnel! by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1145 Replies:0 
It appeared a light, at long last, was fast appearing in the Syrian tunnel and soon peace shall be prevailing in the war torn Arab nation filled with plenty of energy resources. May powers have been competing for Syrian resources directly from the government and through rebel forces. It, however, turned out to be yet another illusion in West Asia- the target of ant-Islamic nations! . Post fr Click here to read Full Article
Arab World: Searching Reason in Ruins of Insanity by Mahboob A Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 29/Sep/2016 Views:1586 Replies:0 
Failed International Institutions are Dehumanizing Global Mankind Baghdad, Damascus and Aleppo - the hubs of ancient cultures and civilizations are targets of man-made destructive instinct. Arab leadership political incapacity is joined by complacency and result is the worst combination of tyranny and cruelty to humanity. Is it an inevitable Divine punishment to the Arab leaders for their medd Click here to read Full Article
Why can Hillary Clinton not be US president? by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:1553 Replies:0 
Like in Israel, US ruling elites plan for the future strategies and choose presidents to suit the needs. After using a Black President Obama to attack North Africans and Arab nations for their energy resources in order to ensure energy security of the superpower, now the US leaders seem to think of using a female President in the name of Hillary to advance US interests globally. Click here to read Full Article
Imam Raza contribution to Health & Hygiene Principles.
Posted By: SHBangash On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:3076 Replies:0 
Centuries ago. Hazrat Imam Ali Raza(a.s whose holy shrine is in Mashad Iran, the son of Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim(a.s) has contributed a lot to Health & Hygiene Principles with addition to working for Islam and Humanity. Click here to read Full Article
China’s One Belt One Road upsets USA, India! by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:1502 Replies:0 
The China-Pakistan Axis has caused serious problems for world’s top power USA and South Asian giant India. The United States, as a stabilizer of the balance of power in Asia, has backed India as a potential competitor with China. The rivalry visibly surfaced when U.S.-backed India failed in its bid to be included in Nuclear Suppliers Group over Chinese opposition. India held China solely responsib Click here to read Full Article
Air Commodore Zafar Masud: A Pakistani Hero By Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:1800 Replies:0 
Air Commodore Mohammad Zafar Masud (HJ, SBt) was fondly known as Mitty Masud in the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). Born on October 17, 1927, he obtained his commission in the General Duty Pilot (GD [P]) Branch of the Royal Indian Air Force. Masud’s Commission Date was February 25, 1946 and Service No. was 3314 (according to Bharat Rakshak, an Indian news archive website). Masud was one of the pioneers Click here to read Full Article
Physical facet of Qulb by Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:2503 Replies:0 
Qulb mentioned by Sufis is generally known as heart. It is not true as Qulb, in reality, has different physical facet then a mere anatomical structure placed in the chest and pumping blood. Its actuality was first reported when investigations revealed that a few heart recipients found changes in their personalities resembling characteristics of the donors. Further investigations showed close linka Click here to read Full Article
Five truths about the Hijab (Muslim Veil) that need to be told
Posted By: chaudry On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:3385 Replies:0 
In the West, many regard traditional Muslim dress like the hijab as a sign of oppression, with women forced to wear the garments by men. But it is not as simple as that: many women choose to wear the hijab as a sign of faith, feminism, or simply because they want to. Click here to read Full Article
Expatiated MQM by Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 29/Aug/2016 Views:1237 Replies:0 
Expatiated MQM All MQM detainees as seen on the tv channels are declaring themselves thorough bred Pakistanis and raising pro Pakistan Zindabad slogans on their way to and from courts. Only a day or two ago they were assuring Altaf of their unflinching loyalty by hollering in unison Pakistan Murda Bad and raiding media houses on his behest to destroy them. How come so soon and sudden a change Click here to read Full Article
گلگت بلتستان کے حکمران ہوش کے ناخن لیں۔عبدالجبار ناصر
Posted By: ajnasir On: 29/Aug/2016 Views:2016 Replies:0 
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Pakistan has been repeatedly duped by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 29/Aug/2016 Views:1555 Replies:0 
The US was the first country to dupe and trap Pakistan after 9/11 for the achievement of its go-strategic objectives in the region. Collin Powell pushed Gen Musharraf against the wall by asking him bluntly whether “you are with us or against us”. And when he unhesitatingly opted for the first option, he was asked to meet seven demands which were related to Pakistan cutting off relations with Talib Click here to read Full Article
جماعت اسلامی کا یوم تاسیس ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 25/Aug/2016 Views:1313 Replies:0 
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ایک اخلاقی تصویر ۔ سجاد گل
Posted By: SajjadGul On: 25/Aug/2016 Views:1400 Replies:0 
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