
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 10/21/2013 12:00:00 AM  

Have You Spoken to Your Child Today? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan .
Posted By: chaudry On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1511 Replies:0 
Have you had a meaningful conversation together? Do you know what your child accomplished today, how he may be feeling, whether or not he has any concerns? Does your child know that you care about him?In Islaam, the ties of kinship and family are very strong and something that will always be present throughout our lifetime. There are very serious consequences for someone who decides to break these Click here to read Full Article
APL terms the racial harassment in British schools unacceptable and ugly
Posted By: APL On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1575 Replies:0 
LONDON, October 21, APL (Association of Pakistani Lawyers), a team of Pakistani origin lawyers, Solicitors, Barristers, and Judges in UK has taken serious note of English newspaper’s report that Children as Young as Four Involved in Race Attacks in UK Schools and that Almost 50 children are racially bullied in UK schools every day Click here to read Full Article
CIA Abandoning TTP - The Beginning of the End
Posted By: nrqazi On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1237 Replies:0 
Latif Mehsud, second in command of the so called "Tehriq e Taliban Pakistan" was captured by the US forces a few days ago in Afghanistan, after Pakistan's ISI tipped off US forces of the "top commander of the Afghan Taliban". Little did they realise they had arrested a CIA asset. Why the US arrested him is a sign that the TTP is crumbling. Click here to read Full Article
Shining India is losing its shiny finish by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1080 Replies:0 
Shining India is losing its shiny finish and its rapidly surging economy has begun to plummet. The ruling Congress is roiled in mega corruption and sex scandals and so is the Indian military. Rape is in high fashion with New Delhi in the lead. Senior Army officers are involved in sex scandals, shady arms deals, kickbacks and land scams. Besides frequent cases of rape, wife swapping and group sexes Click here to read Full Article
Mutual respect - key to success of Pak-US relations! by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1061 Replies:0 
At the outset one fact should be mentioned right here, whether Pakistan likes it or not. Pakistan can never be a real partner of America. Islamabad can only be associate of CIA-Pentagon terror twins. Only by pursuing independent foreign policy it could save its sovereignty and freedom. Click here to read Full Article
Columbus Day Promotes Genocide by Francis A. Boyle
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:2365 Replies:0 
In this brief legal document, truly honorable Professor Francis A. Boyle has described part of the history of genocidal and other crimes against humanity by the US imperialism. Such honesty and clarity of thought and spirit is extremely rare to find. Click here to read Full Article
Sunnah e Ibrahimi by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1070 Replies:0 
Some of the city streets, especially in the olden city interior are stinking with such a bad foul stench and smell that it is not possible for one to walk through them without covering one’s nose with a hanky. These streets are literally littered with offals, innards and entrails of the animals that have been sacrificed by the faithful in almost every house there. Each one of them is now blamin Click here to read Full Article
Qurbani and Ahmadis by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1055 Replies:0 
A few Ahmadis at Lahore are reported to have been stopped by the Police from offering Qurbani. Nothing could be stranger than that. It would be just appropriate to find out on whose orders the Police have acted so? On their own? On asking by some religious authority? Or on orders from the government? Click here to read Full Article

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