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اردو کی یاد میں ۔ فرخ شہباز
Posted By: farrukhshahbaz On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1142 Replies:0 
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حضرت علی ۔ محمداکرم اعوان
Posted By: AkramAwan On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1383 Replies:0 
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یوم آزادی مبارک ہو ۔ پروفیسر رفعت مظہر
Posted By: Riffat On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:2013 Replies:0 
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اے وطن اے مری کائنات سخن ۔ عرفان طاہر
Posted By: Irfan.T On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1135 Replies:0 
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حرمت قلم کے پاسبان ۔ امتیاز علی شاکر
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1074 Replies:0 
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عید الفطر ۔ محمداعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1104 Replies:0 
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جمعۃ الوداع ۔ محمداعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1128 Replies:0 
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~Iftar Party in Abu Dhabi~ Tariq Hussain Butt
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1442 Replies:0 
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شام ،سیدنامہدی کاہید کوارٹر ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:2819 Replies:0 
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Burmese Rohingyas lack ‘strategic value’ By Tariq Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1327 Replies:0 
World powers must intervene to stop the systematic extermination of the Muslim minority and provide much-needed aid in the form of medicines and food Click here to read Full Article
ازبکستان پاکستان،عوامی سرکاری رابطے۔محمدعباس خان
Posted By: Muhammad_Abbas_Khan On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1137 Replies:0 
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Fasting makes you super human not only spiritually but physically too.
Posted By: nrqazi On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1728 Replies:0 
Fasting makes you super human not only spiritually but physically too.It is amazing to note how the Almighty has prescribed the seemingly "harmful" rituals such as fasting for our own benefit. First and foremost the benefit is for our souls, it allows us to get closer to Allah... it makes us aware of Him as our master and lord. Every time we feel the urge to eat and drink but we resist for the sak Click here to read Full Article
زکوٰۃ کے مسائل ۔ علامہ سیدشاہ تراب الحق
Posted By: M.Abdullah On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1395 Replies:0 
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ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی کا دورہ امریکہ ۔ راجہ ماجد
Posted By: R.Majid On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1395 Replies:0 
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جشن آزادی مبارک ہو ۔وسیم نزر
Posted By: Waseem.N On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1354 Replies:0 
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فجر ہونے تک ۔ امتیاز علی شاکر
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1110 Replies:0 
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مجھے پاکستانی ہونے پر فخر ہے ۔ امتیازعلی شاکر
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1158 Replies:0 
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یرغمال عوام اور تاوان آزادی ۔ ڈاکٹر واحد بخش بھٹی
Posted By: DailyRavi On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1174 Replies:0 
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Pakistan: Independence Day Message by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1527 Replies:0 
Throughout the Pakistan independence movement, Mohammad Ali Jinnah- Quaid-e-Azam continued to teach, focus and emphasize the moral and intellectual facets of freedom -- Faith, Unity and Discipline. He was a visionary leader and knew the integrated essence of freedom. After Jinnah’s sudden death, those who embraced the political power through backdoor conspiracies betrayed the moral and intellectua Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan Independence Day Demands National Solidarity by By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 15/Aug/2012 Views:1270 Replies:0 
Pakistani nation has celebrated its 66th Independence Day on 14 August, 2012 with full enthusiasm. Every Independence Day always infused new spirit in me. Last midnight of 13-14 August, rounding up of Lahore city with the family in the company of 82 years old Squadron Leader, Retired Abdul Ali Shaukat (my uncle) has also turned out another unforgettable moments of my life. In fact, due to the job Click here to read Full Article

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