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وہ دن گئے کہ چھپاتے تھے آستینوں میں۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:2532 Replies:0 
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What briefly is written in the Quran by Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Posted By: latifchaudhery On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:3616 Replies:0 
ISLAM is not a new religion and Qur’an is not the first book of Islam. The only religion prescribed for the mankind and carried forward by Hadrat Abraham (peace be upon him) is ISLAM. Qur’an is the last and final book in the series of Divine Books. Click here to read Full Article
An Overview of the Islamic System by Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Posted By: latifchaudhery On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:7021 Replies:0 
The Last Messenger of Allah established a system of life in which He used to rule or judge people according to the Book revealed to him [5:48-49, 4:105, 6:114]. And this was not new only to him. In fact, all the previous Messengers of Allah also established systems of life during their time whereby they ruled or judged according to the Books revealed to them [5:44-47, 2:213]. Indeed, any Click here to read Full Article
Salman Bashir’s Kashmir Talk: A Point of Concern by Dr Syed Inayaullah Andrabi
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:4529 Replies:0 
Foreign Secretary Slaman Bashir, unlike his political bosses, was articulate and professional in his performance before the Press in Delhi . But the important issue is: did he have a brief that departs from the stand of Kashmiris and Pakistanis who view the issue as one of ‘right of self-determination’ not of human rights or any other vague peripheral rights. I am glad that the Kashmiris noticed a Click here to read Full Article
Reincarnation of Gen. Zia ul Haq, incest of C.I.A and Johnnie Walker whisky by International Professor
Posted By: International_Professor On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:22515 Replies:4 
Hidden agenda behind iron curtain of army GHQ is almost over and future strategy of army junta is now an open book. To comprehend manuscript, one only needs to remove spectacles of patriotism to understand real script of the holy verses. General Kiyani is true reincarnation of Gen. Zia ul Haq and has same ambitions and goals that Zia had. Click here to read Full Article
Kashmiri Collaborators by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:2553 Replies:0 
Collaborators are those who work with an enemy – with an occupier against one's own country; and we find plenty of them in Pakistan and in Jammu and Kashmir on both sides of the Line of Control.Although this term was coined up during the Second World War to expose those who sided with the Nazi Germany; but this class of people existed for centuries. Those who collaborated with the British were giv Click here to read Full Article
نوجوان نسل ميں نشے کا رجحان ۔ ڈاکٹرعصمت حیات علوی
Posted By: dr._asmat_hayat_alvi On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:2472 Replies:0 
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افغانستان کا مستقبل ؟ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:2419 Replies:0 
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Who in the current parliment is legally allowed to be in the parliment?
Posted By: nrqazi On: 28/Feb/2010 Views:2737 Replies:0 
Can anyone confirm who in the current parliment is legally allowed to be in the parliment according to the constitution of Pakistan? Open your heart and mind and think.....the answer will be right infront of your eyes....and such is the state of our parlimentarians, our democracy (evil) and our leaders (so called...) ... Click here to read Full Article

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