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User Name: drshabir
Full Name: dr shabir choudhry
User since: 5/Jun/2007
No Of voices: 115
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آئی ایس آئی،سی آئی اےکےلیےناقابل بھروسہ۔ڈاکٹرشبیر
Posted By: drshabir Created On: 18/Apr/2011 Views: 3045 Replies: 0 
. Click here to read Full Article

Extremism Liberalism and its impact on Pakistan and Pakistani Administered Kashmir by Dr Shabir Dhoudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 20/Feb/2011 Views:3401 Replies:0 
speech of Dr Shabir Choudhry in a seminar arranged by UKPNP in London.Chairman, Chief Guest Sardar Shaukat Kashmiri, Abbas Butt, Chairman KNP, Mohammed Sarwar, Chief Editor Weekly Nation, friends and colleagues aslamo alaykam.Once again United Kashmir People National Party has arranged a seminar on a very important topic; Click here to read Full Article
Negative slogans, RUSI Kashmir Seminar and new dimensions by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 9/Feb/2011 Views:3320 Replies:0 
People of State of Jammu and Kashmir are occupied, oppressed and forcibly divided, and more than one country is in possession of Kashmiri territory; yet struggle seems to be against one country – India. The other two countries namely Pakistan and China are perceived to be as supporters and friends of Kashmir. Click here to read Full Article
Change of policy not possible by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 3/Feb/2011 Views:3108 Replies:0 
In a democratic society everyone has a right to hold an opinion and express it. We don’t have to agree with views of others, but we have no right to insult others or be aggressive to them just because our views are different to others. Click here to read Full Article
Right to protest and ‘right to violence’ by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 17/Jan/2011 Views:3201 Replies:0 
Together with other rights, a right to protest is a fundamental human right which derives from freedom to assemble; and it must not be usurped by the authorities in any civilised society. But right to protest should be distinguished from a ‘right to violence’. Click here to read Full Article
‘We will fight against the enemy which has its big boot on our neck’ by Report by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 1/Jan/2011 Views:3490 Replies:0 
During our Study Tour of Gilgit Baltistan and PAK, we met many people including, Baba Jaan from Hunza who came to meet us. We were grateful to him for finding some time for us and travelling from there to our hotel. He is a young and energetic man, and Chairman of Progressive Youth Front. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan unleashed unprovoked aggression against people of Jammu and Kashmir, by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 20/Dec/2010 Views:3264 Replies:0 
During the course of KNP Study Tour of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, Abbas Butt and Asim Mirza met a delegation of lawyers who wanted to discuss the Kashmir dispute with them and exchange views on the current situation of the Kashmiri struggle. They also wanted to discuss some of the local problems which people faced there in every day life. Click here to read Full Article
‘Kashmir dispute was created by Pakistan’, Nasir Ansari
Posted By: drshabir On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:3221 Replies:0 
Nasir Ansari is a son of Khaliq Ansari, who is regarded as a nationalist Kashmiri writer, thinker and ideologue, who sacrificed his career for the sake of United and Independent Jammu and Kashmir. Maqboo Butt is the leader of nearly all Kashmiri nationalists, but it is Khaliq Ansari who was the leader of Maqbool Butt. Click here to read Full Article
Jammu and Kashmir National Democratic Alliance - a step in right direction by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 16/Nov/2010 Views:4243 Replies:0 
Jammu Kashmir National Awami Party called a meeting of all nationalist parties of Azad Kashmir, which was attended by all parties apart from JKLF of Amanullah Khan. His boycott of the conference was expected. This conference is against his undeclared mission - that is to ensure that nationalists of Jammu and Kashmir are not united. The man has always been divisive and ego centric and his politics Click here to read Full Article
My visit to LOC in Bhimber by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 9/Nov/2010 Views:4885 Replies:0 
District Bhimber is strategically important town situated near border of Pakistan and LOC. It has historic value, yet it is often neglected in political matters. Moghal Kings and other royal families used this route to Srinagar for holiday. Parts of District Bhimber, especially northern parts are mountainous, but its southern parts are plain. I come from a village called Nakker Shamali near Panjer Click here to read Full Article
Passport issue of Shaukat Kashmiri by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 6/Nov/2010 Views:2389 Replies:0 
Sardar Shaukat Kashmiri is a nationalist leader who is always surrounded by controversies. He is among those leaders who have seriously challenged the status quo in Pakistani Administered Kashmir. He has suffered for his politics and sad thing is that, like many others he is accused of being an ‘Indian agent’. Click here to read Full Article

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