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بہان متی کا کنبہ اکھٹاہوا چاہتا ہے ۔ ڈاکٹر شبیر
Posted By: shabbirK On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:994 Replies:0 
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ایک نئی وار گیم ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:963 Replies:0 
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الطاف کی گرفتاری پر ایم کیو ایم کا ڈرامہ ۔قرۃ العین
Posted By: H.Talha On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:921 Replies:0 
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پارلیمانی سال اور عوامی نمائندے ۔ اسرار ملک
Posted By: H.Talha On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:1032 Replies:0 
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عالمی یوم ماحولیات اورہزارہ کے مٹتے جنگلات ۔ علی عمران
Posted By: Aliimran On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:1123 Replies:0 
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غریب عوام کے لیے خودکش بجٹ ۔ ممتاز اعوان
Posted By: Mumtaz1 On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:946 Replies:0 
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بجٹ میں عام آدمی کو ٹھینگا ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:949 Replies:0 
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Need to guide the media by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:1163 Replies:0 
Gen Musharraf after coming to power through a military coup on October 12, 1999 decided to boost up and modernize electronic media by allowing foreign ownership in the name of freedom of expression. Private TV channels were given a free hand to broadcast their own programs and news in 2002. Till that time, apart from few private channels, PTV had remained the sole channel. Within few years one hun Click here to read Full Article
Re:Naizay pe bhee sir apna sarfraz rahey ga by Naeem Qazi
Posted By: nrqazi On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:1487 Replies:0 
My dear Hamid Mir Sahab. First of all, my sincere sympathies with you for the terrible experience you recently went through. Hope you are mending well. I recently came across your article on the subject , given at this link I know you are mashaAllah a serious journalist, so may not think that someone can advise you, I still Click here to read Full Article
Does United States want a direct war with Russia? by Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:981 Replies:0 
Definitely, Russians do not seek a war with USA or EU, at least for now when Russia is on its high way to strengthen its economy and military prowess in a big way. The aggression in Ukraine to free the Crimean republic was indeed a calculated move to check if there would be any serious protest from USA by way of a war or at least a threat of direct military confrontation. Now Moscow is certain th Click here to read Full Article
Communist authoritarianism: Oppressed Muslims in China by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:913 Replies:0 
Today, the June 04, Chinese security personnel have swamped Beijing's Tiananmen Square on the 25th anniversary of the Beijing massacre. Foreign journalists were ushered away from the square and passers-by were searched and had their papers checked. In recent weeks, the authorities have detained dozens of activists to ensure their silence on the anniversary. In 1989, hundreds of thousands gathered Click here to read Full Article
5 Signs that a Politician is Lying by Peaco Todd
Posted By: chaudry On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:1591 Replies:0 
“How can you tell when a politician is lying? When his (or her) lips move.” That’s a tired old chestnut, but the truth is, whether assessing a candidate or a loved one you fear is cheating, human beings are pretty lousy at detecting deception. Politicians can be especially tricky to catch since most of them have had so much practice. Between spin doctors, speech writers, media consultants, pr man Click here to read Full Article
Police in London have arrested the leader of Pakistan's powerful MQM party, Altaf Hussain, on suspicion of money-laundering.
Posted By: chaudry On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:2097 Replies:0 
Officers are searching a residential address in north-west London where they say a 60-year-old man was detained. Mr Hussain has lived in the UK since 1991, saying his life would be at risk if he returned to Pakistan. His party, which controls Karachi, has urged supporters to stay calm amid outbreaks of violence there. Click here to read Full Article
West Asia: New Palestinian Unity Government by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:920 Replies:0 
At long last, a new 17-member Palestinian unity government has been sworn in at the Muqata, the Presidential Compound, in Ramallah, marking a key step towards ending a major rift between factions in the West Bank and Gaza. The government, comprising technocrats, was agreed by Hamas and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party. The two sides have governed separately since Hamas, which won e Click here to read Full Article

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