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Jup News 03-08-2011
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1562 Replies:0 
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تبلیغی جماعت اوروزیرداخلہ کا احمقانہ بیان۔قاسم علی
Posted By: QasimAli On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1741 Replies:0 
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کراچی کےحالات اورمیڈیا کامنفی کردار ۔عبدالجبارناصر
Posted By: ajnasir On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1928 Replies:2 
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America should step back by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:2375 Replies:0 
Although Pakistan has remained tied to USA since early 1950s and never shirked from volunteering its services whenever the US asked for, but the relations between the two never matured into long lasting strategic relationship. The US befriended Pakistan only to serve its short term interest and no sooner its objectives were accomplished it was left high and dry. It always ditched Pakistan at a tim Click here to read Full Article
A Top American Surgeon Embraced Islam
Posted By: chaudry On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1737 Replies:0 
A Top American Surgeon Embraced Islam Click here to read Full Article
چانکیہ،میکاؤلی اور ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ! سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1757 Replies:0 
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اب کون ہے ملت کے مقدر کا ستارہ ؟ شاکر قریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:2360 Replies:0 
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US Tactics to Spoil China-Pakistani Ties by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1482 Replies:0 
Muslims and their nations have been under attack from sworn enemies and Muslims are helping enemies to kill other Muslims. It is happening every where, including Pakistan, created to protect Muslims and their genuine interests. This insanity among Muslims is being exploited by the enemies to loot their resources. Click here to read Full Article
Zionists Pessimistic Impacts on U.S. Economy by Lt Col Zaheerul Hassan (R)
Posted By: Zaheer On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1749 Replies:0 
On August 2,2011, President Obama finally signed the bill of raising the government’s debt ceiling and cut trillions of dollars from its spending and time benignly avoided a first-ever government default. Earlier on the same day the Senate has passed the same bill with the vote of 74 to 26. The bill will facilitate American government in taking measures which would provide an immediate $400 bill Click here to read Full Article
NATO too Stupid to Face Reality by Lisa Karpova
Posted By: chaudry On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1804 Replies:0 
With the controversial death of Abdel Fatah Younis, it has become glaringly apparent that the NTC is a fractured, disorganized mess of incompetence that cannot even keep its own people under control, much less run a country. But try telling that to the foot in the mouth government of the United Kingdom, or that Napoleon wannabe Sarkozy. Click here to read Full Article
Gujranwala News 02-08-2011
Posted By: NazeerAhmad On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1867 Replies:0 
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USA Might Cut Resources for Pentagon Operations by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1445 Replies:0 
The Obama regime is trying to reduce the US budget allocation for military that essentially spend huge resources on all illegal terror operations. US politicians keep taking a good portion of amount spent on military purchases as immoral commissions. There seems to an agreement between the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress, announced by US President B.Obama, implies an i Click here to read Full Article
فلسطینی بچے بنام امت مسلمہ ۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1645 Replies:0 
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وقت قریب ہے ؟ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: DrSafdar On: 3/Aug/2011 Views:1574 Replies:0 
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