"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
User since: 22/Jan/2008
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Hussain Haqqani "“ Runagate scandalous sax-phone

Most valuable gift of civilized world is liberty of free speech; under this privilege Hussain Haqqani is free to say what ideology he has, but as a Govt. servant and enjoying lavish life style on the pockets of poor and hungry Pakistanis, being public servant he is bound to limitations and has no right to implement his own polluted state of mind and agenda, or act as a mole of any other country, or pass on theories of Jewish funded think tanks and use resources to impose on public. We never criticized him when he was servant of American Institutions and being financial beneficiary of US $'s, we always gave him advantage of foreign pressure in the course of carrier, everybody is aware of his greedy instinct. It is not too old that  he always have been referring to his and his families meritorious services for Ummah, however since he has been converted as Shia and posed as Jew in front of many peoples, it made him suspicious to culprit, now since he is Govt. servant hired on the pockets of peoples of Pakistan, we reserve the right to watch and discuss his activities and politically motivated personal life, which is a common practice in democracies, he did not belong to any foreign affairs group, neither passed any CSS exams, his appointment is totally based on lick spitting of Zardari and Benazir. Prior to his current appointment we always treated him as his master voice (like a puppy sitting in front of a gramophone).  

His current pomp and show is entirely dependent on salary paid to him from our pockets, to put grease under his tail and to keep him in his limits, teach him that he is Govt. employee, and he is not a personal servant of Zardari now, he must end crossing limits and stop posing himself more faithful to Americans like poodle. To discuss his mindset requires bare explanation, everybody knows his early history, he belongs to a poor family, and by birth member of Jamaat e Islami. He closely worked with all such persons which are now considered as enemy by US. His last name is an example of his links with Taliban such as Jalal uddin Haqqani or Muddersah Haqqania Akora Khattak, to whom he now declares as "Jihad University". Period of his student politics and later (after 911) there are visible evidences of his involvement with Jamat e Islami, Taliban and Al Kaeda.

He belongs to that opportunist's class of third world countries, who always have a dream of dollars and Western life style. For growing in politics and to meet challenges of poverty of his family, he adopted cheap tricks for gaining attention of key political figures, for example keep standing for hours outside offices, waiting in car parking areas, to seek attention he married and ruined life of one women embraced other woman for same purposes, he changed his ancestral religion and converted for money and political backing (to match Benazir and Zardari, he trapped wealthy partner of same sectarian mind), for seeking support he preaches gay culture or adultery. When USA was against communism those were pro-religion, and when West was in favor of Taliban these peoples spent hours to please Taliban leaders, now bash them as Mullah because America is against them. You can call such economical beneficiaries as eunuch liberals, hypocrites or liars.

All such beneficiaries (so called liberals or moderates) are fraud and making fool to West, among them majority was hired for justifying war against Iraq, 90 percent from particular sectarian groups, (long before 911 may happen, such peoples were there to preach benefits of invasion on Iraq). Chalabi, Vali Nasar and many other Iraqi's, Irani's and Pakistani's are there since long in the fold of neo-Cons. 911 was a great conspiracy against US alleged peoples who did not have telecommunication facilities neither any Muslim ever had any danger from Capitalism nor majority knew that world trade centre was a sign of Capitalism. Moreover it was a conspiracy against Muslims who suffered most, such act neither friends of Muslims did nor are those who are taking benefit for their bread and butter friend of Muslims at all. Al Kaeda who is claiming his victory is telling a lie, those did not have technology or wisdom to plan such acts. Neo-Cons, Bush, Mush and now Zardari gang are the only who propagated for financial benefits. For example new Western laws of terrorism are generally meant keeping in view clash of civilization theories, evidently trapping a few low profile fanatics (or flaws in the terrorism law) allow police to implicate accidental fanatics, usually based on pre-emptive theories of "Black Queen", to take the benefit of the situation in scenario when Americans were under shock, dozens of financial beneficiaries like frogs of rainy season jumped out with the flag of new-modernism or liberalism. Think patiently are Hosni Mubarik, Shah Husain, Gen Musharraf or Irani Ayatullah's are moderates? Or extremists like Husain Haqqani, Vali Nasar, Mahnaz Ispahani, or Najam Sethi are really die heart liberals? Or only making fool for sucking money. Same group time to time target phrases like Ummah, bash glory of Islam, magnify those theories of liberalism which even sensible peoples of West consider as shameless.

Watch Hussain Haqqani in the mirror of his statements and actions:

On the basis of cunning methodology to harass western peoples for the sake of money and made suspicious to Muslims living around the world: Husain Haqqani wrote: Quote: "According to Black, "a new cadre of leaders" and "relatively untested terrorists" has started to emerge."Al-Qaida's ideology is spreading well beyond the Middle East" and "has been picked up by a number of Islamic extremist movements which exist around the globe." Black also said that "Some groups have gravitated to al-Qaida in recent years, where before such linkages did not exist" -- something that "greatly complicates our task in stamping out al-Qaida".      Unquote

Think of criminal mentality of Husain Haqqani, he has mentality of MQM.

Haqqani was a Muddersah student and had deep links with Jihadis, he still has links with them, that is why some peoples think that he is sleeper cell of Kaeda, and a cause of failure of Bush crusade is such peoples having access to high circles in USA and working as double agents.

University of Jihad: by Hussain Haqqani

Husain Haqqani - Islam's medieval outposts (except headings he wrote) Quote:

"For centuries young men have gathered at Islamic seminaries to escape Western influences and quietly study Islamic texts that have been handed down unchanged through the ages. But over the last two decades, revolution, Great Power politics, and poverty have combined to give the fundamentalist teachings at some of this madrasasa violent twist. And now, in one of globalization's deadlier ironies, these "universities of jihad" are spreading their medieval theology worldwide. (Islam Bashing) As a 9-year-old boy, I knelt on the bare floor of the neighborhood madrasa (religious school) in Karachi, Pakistan, repeating the Koranic verse," Of all the communities raised among men you are the best, enjoining the good, forbidding the wrong, and believing in God."(Haqqani hides his affiliation with Jamat e Islami, and role of his parents). In 1960 and after 6 years I remained part time student of Mudrssah at Karachi. (He wrote following text and described it as few weeks after Sept 11, 2001)

I visited Darul Uloom Haqqania (Center of Righteous Knowledge), situated at Akora Khattak. Taliban leader Mullah Omar had been a student at Haqqania, and the madrasa"¦"¦called University of Jihad. He further wrote that:

Apart from the Koran, which Muslims believe to be the word of God revealed through Prophet Mohammed, no definitive theological texts existed. The dominant Muslim sect, the Sunnis, did not have a clerical class, leaving groups of believers to follow to whoever inspired them in religious matters. Post colonial elite in most Muslim countries paved the way for Islamic political movements such as al- Ikhwana l-Muslimin (the Muslim Brotherhood)in the Arab world, Jamaat-e-Islami ( the Islamic Party) in South Asia, and the Nahdatul Ulema (the Movement for Religious Scholars) in Indonesia. These movements questioned the legitimacy of the Westernized elite. (He skipped many movements possibly neo-cons would not against them at that time) Iranians belong to the minority Shiite sect of Islam and their madrasas have always had a more political character than Sunni seminaries.

Then he explained the crimes of Muslims, and Muslim Laws:

Malaysia: Punish adultery, Iran: It was crime of Ayatullah Khomini that he studied from seminaries., Afghanistan: Haqqani graduated from muddersah, he was ally of USA but when he joined Taliban his muddersah qualifications disturbed  Hussain Haqqani., Algeria: Sheikh Abbas Madni, his crime was that he won elections in 1991., Indonesia: Abdurrahman Wahid, his crime was that he was consensus candidate after Suharto., Afghanistan: Mullah Umar, his crime was that he attended two muddersah's in Pakistan. It was good since he fought against Soviets but bad when US turned its face., Saudi Arabia: Crimes of Saudi Arabia includes donations to one muddersah. But he did not mention how much amount same Saudi Arabia is paying to thousands of American forces.

The success of General Zia's experiment led to the creation of similar free schools in places as diverse as Morocco, Algeria, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Muslim immigrants in Europe and North America established madrasas alongside mosques. Unquote.

Click for details:'s_medieval_outposts.htm

Haqqani is pushing different lobbies against Muslims and Saudi Arabia on other hand PPP and Zardari is begging to Saudi Arabia for free oil and money, what double standard such Gay and Lesbian Haqqani has?

Cleveland Jewish News: Muslim majority is tired of extremists

Quote: Moderate Muslims are struggling with "extremist" imams in mosques all over the U.S (Schwartz and Haqqani). Today, virtually every mosque in the U.S. has an Arab imam. Wahabis with pro-Saudi leanings control 800 out of the 1200 major mosques in the U.S., Haqqani says. The Jewish lobby has to organize, write letters, and continue to contribute to politicians to counter the Saudi lobby, which has extraordinary influence in Washington, D.C., both Haqqani and Schwartz said. The Saudi lobby doesn't have to bother with traditional lobbying tactics. "It picks up the phone and gets what it wants," Schwartz says. unquote

Islam in Bangla Desh

For video of Hussain Haqqni click chapter 10

Conservative Foundations against Islam

A number of wealthy conservative foundations are primary bankrollers of the Neo-Cons and right - wing think-tanks. A grand total of 83 research grants totaling over $4.5 million dollars are supplied to groups and researchers involved in anti-Islamic research. The following foundations currently offer financial support of anti-Islamic research: The Earhart Foundation, The Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation, The Smith Richardson Foundation, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and The John M. Olin Foundation.  The chart below links some specific research individuals with their funding foundation. 

Name of Primary researcher

Amount $


Alexander Alexiev


Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation

Hillel Fradkin


Smith Richardson Foundation

David Cook


Smith Richardson Foundation

Nazeer Ahmed


Smith Richardson Foundation

Zachary Abuza


Smith Richardson Foundation

Timur Kuran


Smith Richardson Foundation

Nelly Lahoud


Earhart Foundation

Hussain Haqqani


Smith Richardson Foundation

Steven Emerson


Smith Richardson Foundation

Zeyno Baran


Smith Richardson Foundation

Sultan Tepe


Smith Richardson Foundation

Cheryl Barnard


Smith Richardson Foundation

Graham Fuller


Earhart Foundation

Ibrahim Abu-Rabi


Earhart Foundation

Fawaz Gerges


Smith Richardson Foundation

Ahmad Mousalli


Earhart Foundation

For Smith Richardson grants: Click the link below

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC


Assessing Strategic Competition in Southern Asia     $ 50,000

Ashley Tellis will research and write a book on the dynamics

of the strategic competition in South Asia involving India,

China, and Pakistan. He will assess Indian, Pakistani, and

Chinese strategic goals and explore how they are pursuing

those goals through the development of military and other



Developing a New U.S. Policy toward Pakistan        $175,000

Husain Haqqani will lead an effort to develop new ideas for

U.S. policy toward Pakistan. He will organize working groups

of U.S. and Pakistani experts and commission papers. He will

write a blueprint for a U.S. policy to encourage Pakistan to

adopt a more moderate and democratic political system. The

Project's findings will appear in a series of monographs and

a policy report

World Organization for Resource Development and Education

Washington, DC

International Conference of Moderate Muslim Scholars Policy Makers $ 50,000

Nazeer Ahmed will organize a conference of religious,

Political, and academic leaders to discuss democracy and

Islam. The project's findings will appear in a report.Yale


Flow of information is huge which requires a book, it is better to copy and keep in  records; it will help you in future when Hussain Haqqani will put another mask on his face or West will kick out such fraudulent financial beneficiaries. He is assigned to work as ambassador at US by Zardari to facilitate in sucking money from West, it looks like joke that children adopt hobbies like ticket collecting, or coin collecting etc but Zardari has hobby of money collecting, making money by any means, billions of dollars did not help Benazir in her life.



International Professor


Following links and references are not new but important and worth watching


1.     Video Haqqani: Display of a slavish, defeatist mentality Part 1 & 2

2.     I am up for sale! Husain Haqqani- An agent of the anti Islam/anti Pakistan forces

3.     American talent and Celebrity Network

4.     Mr. neoCon going to Washington

5.     Mr. Potato Chips Haqqani

6.     Video (try to open in real player)


7.     Blogs: foreign Policy

8.     An example for the Arab world (interview)


9.     Post-mortem of Farahnaz Isphahani and Hussain Haqqani

10.  Hussain Haqqani is under influence of Ispahani.

11.  Iran,India and Afghanistan defeated Pakistan -More Ispahanis

12.  Hussain Haqqani Propaganda "“ Citibank links

13.  A comprehensive look on Husain Haqqani published by rupeenews (worth reading)

14.  Series of four posts

Postmortem of Farahnaz Isphahani and Hussain Haqqani

Hussain Haqqani Propaganda "“ Citibank links

Hussain Haqqani is under influence of Ispahani.

Iran,India and Afghanistan defeated Pakistan -More Ispahanis

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