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User Name: Amjad_Malik
Full Name: Amjad Malik
User since: 15/Jun/2007
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Save ‘marriage’ as an institution,
human rights act is a prized gift to British people, and
‘Amnesty’ is the only solution to the immigration problem,
                                                                                                           AMJAD MALIK OPINED:-
Human Rights Lawyer and chair of the Association of Pakistani Lawyers (UK) Amjad Malik has asked British Prime Minister to consider ‘Amnesty’ for migrants living in UK in a backlog and working for years in Britain illegally and are living below poverty line and may not be returned due to reprisals. He was talking to media in response to Prime Minister David Cameron’s statement at an Institute of Migration to tighten up rules and bring new measures to curb illegal migration in Britain ending forced marriages. Earlier Prime Minister confirmed to introduce measures to end illegal migration, ending forced marriages, and invited citizens to assist local enforcement units to detect, arrest and return illegal immigrants.
Amjad Malik Responded that law on an other law will not crack down illegal migration unless Prime Minister addresses the issue, which is current backlog of existing failed asylum seekers, overstayers, and families with children living in Brain for over 5 years. Migration watch estimated the figure of around ½ million in 2007 and it is not still less though Home Office accepts a lesser figure which is being economical with the truth. Before his Govt we heard claims that former Home Secretary is introducing 'Watch list' of people not entitled to public services, Enforcement teams to track down bosses employing illegal workers, Compulsory ID cards for foreign nationals Text alerts for people overstaying visas, Possible £20,000 fines for landlords housing illegal immigrants, Remove driving licences, Pilot schemes to use ID card data to ensure migrants pay for NHS care, and here in 2011 we are back to square one, hearing the same diagnosis and pompous claims and reality is that we have an unsorted  backlog, we are not removing those staying behind, and both Govt’s have no policy on it except to criticise Human Rights Act on cats and dogs.
He said Human Rights Act is a prize gift to the British people. Use it better with the help of the court, and do not let it be abused but talk of ending it will be an insanity as we must move forward not backward. Society must save marriage as an institution, because demonising the institution of marriage will not help the community and extra meritorious relationships will foster as a fashion which will not be a good sign for moral fabric of society. End the forced marriages at all by bringing precautions such as interviews of cross continental or immigration marriages at the marriage registration or a visa stage but do not attack the arranged marriage culture where even British citizens can benefit by selecting their partners in UK which will curb tendencies of sex crimes said Mr. Malik. 
Amjad Malik said that the estimated figure of legal migration is well over 1.5 million who include work permit holders nurses and teachers, workers from accession states, general migrants and Highly skilled and successful asylum seekers and their families. We have no figure as to how many are coming from Europe. Condition of English, history and culture tests for British nationality must not be imposed on non EU citizens especially Asians as it will be discriminatory. Cash bonds as a guarantee will affect intercontinental visit exchanges of the relatives of immigrant community as not all will be able to pledge thousands of pounds and it will affect greatly the people of sub-continent and Africa i.e India, Bangladesh & Pakistan.
He suggested to Prime Minister to consult his counterparts to  grant General Amnesty and grant 5 years work permits to all those who are herein UK on the condition that they register themselves within certain grace period and have no criminal conviction. He said that’s the only way that half of the measures he is suggesting will automatically be addressed, people before him tried tracing ‘immigrants’ with text messages and failed and suggested measures will ensure registration, they will work on books and contribute to national economy and pay national insurance and tax plus they will learn language and culture openly and freely to qualify for permanent stay after total 5 years of legal stay. He warned that public must not be asked to carry out ‘witch hunt’ against migrants, as the job is of the Govt to detect, remove or process those staying without a lawful reason and the govt must carry out their duty themselves otherwise people will assume things based on colour and appearance and there is already discrimination based on internal prejudices and colour.
Barrister Amjad Malik, Chair Association of Pakistani lawyers commenting on David Cameron’s speech on immigration
11 Oct 2011
Background Links:
David Cameron launches immigration crackdown
• Public urged to report suspected illegal immigrants
• Forced marriage could become criminal offence
• Proposal for families of would-be immigrants to pay cash bond
• Citizenship test to include questions on British history
David Cameron has urged the British public to report illegal immigrants and vowed to change the citizenship test so that it includes questions on British history.
The text of the prime minister's key immigration speech confirms that he wants to make forced marriage a criminal offence, and makes it clear that Downing Street backs Theresa May's desire to rewrite the immigration rules so "misinterpretations" of the right to family life do not block immigration deportations.
Cameron also unveiled changes to the citizenship test taken by all those who apply for a British passport. He said he had been to citizenship ceremonies and thought they were moving and they worked, "but here, too, changes are needed".
"So let me say one more thing abut the journey to becoming a British citizen," he added. "We're also going to change the citizenship test. There's a whole chapter in the citizenship handbook on British history but, incredibly, there is no question on British history in the actual test.
"Instead you'll find questions on the roles and powers of the main institutions of Europe and the benefits system within the UK. So we are going to revise the whole test … and put British history and culture at the heart of it."
For Full Guardian Report: Click here:-
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