"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ansar.Abbasi
Full Name: Ansar Abbasi
User since: 25/Jan/2010
No Of voices: 260
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 Reply:   It is Free Crime By Government
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (28/Oct/2007)

Government is promoting Crime and by this ordinance trying to wipe out 13 years corruptions from Pakistan, not the corrupts who did these crimes in 13 years.
what a pity
 Reply:   Crime free government?script
Replied by(farhan) Replied on (28/Oct/2007)

The government thinks that by this bloody ordinance they can control the situation. How stupid is this government? When all the serial killers and corrupt will be out of jails and cases will they work for nation? The crime will increase and then even Marshel Law will not be the solution. You have seen that by one bad decision war in Waziristan have killed enough and now it’s reached till Sawat. And still if Government will not change there policies against Muslim this war will be in each city of Pakistan.
 Reply:   Pakistan is already bleedings
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (28/Oct/2007)

Pakistan is already bleeding and come back of Altaf Hussain will make Pakistan more wounded, but may be this is the end of Altaf Hussain, because with in some short time, every thing will be out of control and then there will be only one power only one sound, that is of Gun.
As Musharraf has given this message very strongly, might is right.
 Reply:   Altaf Hussain may end his exil
Replied by(Anonymus) Replied on (27/Oct/2007)
one more lootaira and khooni will be home soon
Provincial Minister for the Local Government and Kachchi Abadis Muhammad Hussain Khan on Saturday said Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain could end his 16-year-long exile any time.

Talking to newsmen here on Saturday, the minister said Altaf was willing to return to Pakistan and the MQM Rabita Committee had already permitted it. He said the MQM chief could be soon among his workers.

To a question, the minister said there was no law for the suspension of district governments during the general elections; rather, the district governments could demand dissolution of provincial and national assemblies at the time of election because the prime minister, chief ministers and ministers could influence the elections.

Hussain said all 22 districts of the province were being provided with fire tenders at their respective headquarters at a cost of Rs 600 million. Besides, he added, many development schemes, including those of water filtration plants, drainage system and cardiology hospitals, were also under way. He said these development schemes would cost a huge amount of Rs 150 million, which was being provided by the members of provincial and national assemblies and senators belonging to the MQM.
 Reply:   HOPELESS//shy
Replied by(Anonymus) Replied on (27/Oct/2007)

Another blow to the justice and fairness! Where are we heading? What is Pakistan's and it's people's destination? I foresee chaos and a blurred vision of Pakistan being broken down into many territories or states with a central government - USA.

Allah save us and our nation! Amen!
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