Mr. Saleh Ahmad Hassan Al Ashoor
Member Kuwait Parliament (Designate) & Former MP
Cannot hold back but will have to compose a befitting congratulation
On Dec 1 right people were picked including you to reach destination
Not you were alone in the run and therefore it was tough competition
Given was equal chance to male and female to contest in the election
Realizing gravity many resorted to burn money as it can alter situation
Admittedly some hosted 5 star hotel dinners for creating lot sensation
Traumatized they are how thousands did eat but ignored reciprocation
Undoubtedly it is not money only to get through but needs recognition
Laurels you earned and will repeat and this is what expects your nation
Alone I’m not greeting few wrote in prose my is Eng poetic composition
Thundering clouds cannot help thunder which is their style of salutation
In fact you do more than what asked for professing it is your obligation
Of course you will triumph again as you are tinged with true dedication
Not annoying but beg to frame it as Iqbal composed on your coronation
With my honest and solemn prayers
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait /
/ 6 Dec 2012
MA 1966 + Law Degree 69 + Diploma Labor Laws 72 + Diploma Taxation Laws 72
Former English Teacher (part time) Bus Administration College, Kuwait University
Former English Teacher (part time) College of Basic Education, PAAET
Former English Teacher (part time) Higher Institute for Communication & Navigation, PAAET
Former English Teacher (part time) Secretarial & Office Administration Institute, PAAET
Former English Teacher (part time) Police Junior Commissioned Officers’ Institute
Improve thesis for Ph D & Master Students studying in UK, USA, Canada, Bahrain & UAE
Often I write articles in newspapers including poetic news.
Read me 350+ articles at net in Google under my name Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
I have 400+ articles published in newspapers of Kuwait, Pakistan & UK
PS: See my video at You Tube & Google under ‘Unprecedented Wedding Anniversary’ which eventually must be in Guinness World Records Book.
I composed quite meaningful poem captioned, ‘Election You Win I Pray’ and emailed to those who email contacts were published.
I have composed very interesting and narrative poem for those who lost in election and I need not explain what it could be since its title ‘They Ate Here but Voted There’ itself speaks aloud.