"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: saadat
Full Name: saadat tahir
User since: 15/Apr/2009
No Of voices: 86
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Smeared in blood … 1712-14


Would that a deliverer looks our way

Would that a helper descends this day


This dawns face too smeared in blood

Home again marred by piles of mud


Had yet to flourish, those tender flowers

Beastly hands snatched from bowers


Blooming innocent smiling faces

Early skipped to school in races


Giggles laughter and their Smile

Writhe and throe in death defile

We are rent, with slash and gore

Our Backs bent, above vultures soar

O wake up people! O wake up now!

Stem the deeds of fiendish hands!

O wake up people! O wake up now!

Let’s rid our home of terror bands!


Books in hands, their quills too

Rainbow dreams, what they would do


Soiled in carmine all those roses

What the resolve of bloodied noses


Where the moms shall find their pearl

Or the themes of their visions unfurl


Dearer than life those bits of being

Stony eyes now snatched of seeing


Giggles laughter and their Smile

Writhe and throe in death defile

We are rent, with slash and gore

Our backs bent, above vultures soar

O wake up people! O wake up now!

Stem the deeds of fiendish hands!

O wake up people! O wake up now!

Let’s rid our home of terror bands! 



saadat tahir.

17th Dec, 2k14.






More than 145 people are known to have been killed after Taliban gunmen opened fire inside a school in Peshawar , Pakistan .

Most of those who died were children! 10-18 years old gathered in an auditorium for a competitive exam.

 "One of my teachers was crying, she was shot in the hand and she was crying in pain.

"One terrorist then walked up to her and started shooting her until she stopped making any sound."

Shahrukh was shot in both legs, and survived by playing dead.

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

not self but GOD and others

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