"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: saadat
Full Name: saadat tahir
User since: 15/Apr/2009
No Of voices: 86
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Sulagtey din satayee raatean !!!


Baking days and restless nights … 2506-2k12


Piling mounds of plastic bags.

Rotting heaps of oily rags.

Sifting ,rifting weathered hags.

Cut and scarred by piercing jags.


Baking days and restless nights.

Bickering bouts and endless fights.

Talk of walks and animal rights.

Acrid smoke and filtered lights.


Gov, they say! Blares a bountiful crop.

Ouch! Damned nail in that broken mop.


Crowing rooks are the only birds.

Barking dogs are intently heard.

Decked up sahib’s that never erred

at foraging kids spit nasty words.


Ages it’s been since I’ve been fed.

Bare my feet and bare my head.

It’s almost June and I will be bled.

At times I wish I’d rather be dead.


Gov, they say! Blares a bountiful crop.

Ouch! Damned nail in that broken mop.


Yesterday I found a reasonable hat.

Hadn’t it been for the scurrying rat,

the pestering drone of a shiny gnat.

Might’ve stumbled on a matching mat .


The wail of the preacher hauls me up.

In vain I search for the empty cup.

I clutch my tummy and want to sup.

Wish I’d slept and not woken up.


Gov, they say! Blares a bountiful crop.

Ouch! Damned nail in that broken mop.


That grumpy man he strangely hops.

Leans on the stick and the leg he lops.

His tatters bound with fraying ropes

Painfully bent at the bin he gropes.


Cushioned and soft is where I lay.

Just as it was when I slept on hay

My own home on a  patch of clay.

Open spaces for my kids to play.


Gov, they say! Blares a bountiful crop.

Ouch! Damned nail in that broken mop.


Now home is here, this festering heap.

On smoldering scrap and offal steep.

Damn sulking kids they always weep.

Had some crumbs and I want to sleep.


My aching limbs are sore and frail.

If only some one heard me wail.

At a feverish pitch I rant and rail.

Add more pages to my woeful tale.


Gov, they say! Blares a bountiful crop.

Ouch! Damned nail in that broken mop.





Original - Vintage 1997


(Redone 25 June 2k12….in ‘honour’ of The Mafia Don and his clan of thugs.!!!)

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