Ahmed Rami has received the following death threat via email: [Editor's note: The beauty of this email exchange is how it examplifies the racist and criminal nature of Zionists as well as the nobleness and humanity of their Muslim foes. Ahmed Rami is right! One day, not far from now, Christians and free thinkers all over the world will rise and join their Muslim brothers and sisters in their struggle against the Zionist cancer. Look what's happening on the Internet. The awakening has already begun!]
Dear Ahmed Rami,
Once again your terrorism has hit Israel some hours ago. But what are you thinking that you can act with complete freedom and orchestrate your killers actions while claiming that we are the torturers!
Monsieur Rami, I just want to point out to you that you makes up become 'terrorists' by calling us so. We have an organization in place for this type of action. Ask your friend Faurrisson if he remembers a delightful meeting in memory of the anti-Semitic writer Saint-Loup during which he had a little accident: one person killed!
Yes, Monsieur, we are going to take care of you as well as all your murderous organization, we shall do it and as prepared you might be, since it is a hard battle, at the end you will die a horrible death!!!
We, the Betar de France*, will kill you, one after another, slowly, as you deserve it.
In conclusion, deceased Monsieur, I ask you to pay attention on the street, and if you unfortunately turn around, I will be there to kill you!!!
My condolescenses, garbage, and see you in hell.
Response of Ahmed Rami From your childhood your head has been filled with the racist and totalitarian myth of a chosen and ruling people, with the right to dominate, oppress or exterminate the non-Jews that resist your illusion of superiority!
All human civilisation and democracy are founded on the simple principle that all ideologies or groups accept the existence of an opposition, except for Judaism and Jewry. For them, the world is just populated by them and their enemies! And their political adversaries are just 'criminals', to be physically or socially eliminated, without a right to exist!
What you are threatening me with, your fellow Jews, who you are supporting, are already doing and applying in Palestine against the 50 year resistance of the Palestinians.
In Palestine, you have been completely unmasked.
But the resistance continues!
You can only kill the carrier of an idea, not the idea itself!
There will be millions of other "Ramis" who will carry on.
We can lose hundred battles and millions of martyres, but not the "war". You will lose that war.
Through your provocations and humiliations you will wake up the nation of Islam!
You are digging your own graves.
World-wide, there are billions of Muslim, Christians and free thinking men and women who - like me - dream of liberating the world and Palestine of your arrogant domination, to free themselves from materialism, dominating racism and the law of the jungle.
Are you going to kill them all?
Your "ancestors" have crucified Christ, but today there are billions of Christians who, all though they are sleeping right now, one day will wake up to join the Muslims in the fight for justice and human rights.
Your aggression against Faurisson hasn't achieved anything "create" thousands of new Faurissons!
The threats coming from you, to me are nothing but more proof that I am on the right way!
Because the day you, or your media, start giving me notes of good conduct, this will be a sign that I have become a traitor.
Ahmed Rami
* Betar is a Zionist youth movement emphasising Hebrew language, culture and self-defence. Motivated by ideologies of Jabotinsky and Trumpeldor, with goal of Jewish state "on both sides of the Jordan." Source: Radio Islam (Translation: Andrew Winkler)