The purpose of life
Dr Ghayur Ayub
Three decades ago, I was
asked about the purpose of my life. Without hesitation, I replied, to achieve
the highest position in my profession which I attained at a young age. Did I
sense the fulfilment? Not at all! If the same question is asked of me today, my
answer would be, to nurture my soul. Nurturing one’s soul requires deep
knowledge regarding theology, philosophy and spirituality.
A question arises; are these
three not important ingredients of organized religion? Whereas there are
millions who do not follow religions. My answer would be that an atheist can
read about religions without following them. So let’s take it in that context.
Theology talks about the world of the unseen or 'Aalam e Ghaib' and link three
entities to it; godhead, the spirit and the soul. The knowledge required to
understand this world is Intuition. Some call it instinct or gut feeling. It is
distinct from logic.
To give an example, I go to a
shop to buy myself a shirt. As I enter the store suddenly my eyes get affixed
onto a jacket. I move towards it and in no time it finds its place in my
shopping basket! This action was purely based on intuition. After selecting the
coat, I concentrate on the shirt and by now my selection criterion has changed.
Now I am searching for a shirt to match the jacket. This process is based on
logic. To look at it in reverse, one can say that my logical thought of
selecting a shirt sprang out of intuitional act of buying a jacket, thus
indicating the complexity of correlation between intuition and logic.
Logic is an integral part of
philosophy which deals with the world of the seen or the world around us. Let
me provide a second example. I decide to open my fisted left hand with the
right hand. I know I will not have any problem because being right handed, my
right hand is stronger than the left. I used reasoning to prove my point.
Suppose my right hand is weak because of an injury sustained a day earlier.
Would I be able? A doubt creeps up. This dispute between reason and doubt that
creates a paradox makes logic. Remember, logic at this stage is at a thinking
Now, I use my right hand and
successfully open my left fist. The use of force becomes the cause and the
opening of the fist becomes an effect. Combining reason and doubt at thinking
level with cause and effect at actionable level makes Philosophy. Going
further, a cause can be an effect of other cause or an effect may become a
cause to other effect. So cause becomes an effect and effect becomes a cause
and the process continues. It is for this reason that philosophy is also called
an open ended knowledge. So here we are looking at two types of knowledge –
Intuition and Philosophy. Parapsychologists say that left side of the brain
deals with philosophical knowledge and the right side with intuitional
What about the third ingredient-spirituality? Sufis, say that it is shrouded
with good deeds and plays a bridging role between the world of the seen in the
domain of philosophy and the world of the unseen in the domain of theology. One
doesn't have to be a theologian or a scholar to become a spiritualist. All it
requires is to become a good human being and help humanity.
So, the three ingredients of religion tell us about two types of
knowledge-philosophical and intuitional - and one face of action - good deeds.
Quran mentions knowledge and action as ‘Ilm’ and ‘Amal’, respectively. The
theologians stress that if we follow the two vigorously there will be a reward
in the life after. They ignore the fact that the two can bring a successful and
prosperous life in this world too.
Such a success depends on a
linkage between two entities - soul and spirit. Quran talks about the two by
stating, “O humans! Be pious (meaning by, be aware of your duty) to your
Lord, Who created you from a single soul, (4:1). And, “Then He shaped
him (in due proportions), and breathed in him of His spirit, (32:9)
The verses indicate that every human has a soul and spirit. It is the rapport
between them which affects our lives. Let me give a third example. Suppose, the
two are connected in the womb through umbilical cord wherein spirit keeps its
solacing effect on the soul of the unborn child. After birth, at cutting of the
cord, the soul is separated from the spirit but the solacing effect lingers on
during childhood keeping the child innocent. Later in life, sinful encounters
makes the soul polluted. A polluted soul cannot get solace because it is not
linked with the spirit. In such scenario, no matter how successful the person
is in worldly affairs, he/she remains moody, restless, tense and intrusive.
Invariably, he/she spends a handsome amount on visiting psychologist or
psychiatrist who puts him/her on tranquillizers or mood elevating drugs. The
question is, did he/she achieve the purpose of life? In my experience no.
Because, despite his/her worldly achievements, his/her soul remains restless
without reunion with the spirit which was separated at cutting of the umbilical
Before such reunion, the soul has to
be nurtured as a precondition. It is the
nurturing of the soul which should be the primary purpose of life. In the
process of nurturing, he/she becomes a good human being and works hard to
achieve worldly goals while staying, honest, upright, tolerant and humble.
Secondly, his/her soul is elevated and becomes ready for reunion with spirit.
Hence, this person not only shines in whatever he/she does professionally
without facing mental health problems and indulging in egoistic rat race, but
he/she also values the purpose of his/her life in this world and the world
beyond. So the keyword is: if you want to be successful in whatever you do in
this world, link your soul with spirit and make it the purpose of life.
The end