"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User since: 1/Jan/2007
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From: Bashir Syed 

After 9/11, a campaign was started to go after those who belong to Saudi Arabian camp or nicknamed as Wahabis to discredit them, including the raid on Saudi Embassy to recover financial records of the wife of former Saudi Ambassador, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, to connect the dots with flow of charitable funds . Thus the same folks who invented the term "Axis of Evil," the scholars at American Enterprise Institute or neocons, the authors of "Project for a New American Century" [www.newamericancen RebuildingAmeric an Defenses.pdf] also embarked upon another aspect of Muslim life in Middle East and othe other Muslim countries - the phase of "de-Islamization. " It is this phase of this above mentioned "Project" which is attacking Islam and its torch bearers through "planted" articles in media (via Lincoln group's paid writers), and books with the aim of curbing extremism. They tend to forget the basic law of Physics "For every Action, there is an equal and opposite Reaction." Did the religion play an important role in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia? The answer is absolutely not, but it was done through people who wanted to destroy the impact of religion through Joseph Lennin and his comrades [like Guttmann (Chernoff); Bronstein (Trotzky); Zirbaum (Martoff); Katz (Kamkoff); Goldenberg ( Meshkoff); Krochmal (Zagorsky); Gimmer (Suchanoff); Dan Gurbitch; Gelfund (Parvuss); Sabelson (Ktadeck); Apfelbaum (Zinvieff); Nachkamkes (Stekloff); Lurve (Larin); Goldenbach (Raynoff); Josse (Bogdonoff); Goldmann (Goryeff); Wanstein (Zwezdin); Goldmann (Lieber); Fuerstenberg (Ganezky); Solomon (Roshol) : Reference Book "The Cause of The World's Unrest" London 1920] mostly Jewish, partly funded (420,000,000 by Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co,., New York City, and another $20,000,000, which Lennon picked up in Zurich (from Rothschilds) on his way back to Russia.
Thus funds have been allocated to defame people like Dr. Israr Ahmed and the Saudi way of Islam or Wahabi-ism, as part of a bigger scheme to fulfill the goals set in the afore mentioned "Project." Also, about the Christian Right movement and their collaboration with Zionists, I would recommend a very well written book: "Prophecy And Politics - The Secret Alliance Between Israel and the U.S. Christian Right, " by late Grace Halsell, Lawrence Hill Books, Chicago IL 1986. ISBN 1-55652-054- 9. Grace Halsell, hailed from Texas, and became a speech writer for President Lyndon B. Johnson. Her book is reviewed and supported by Gore Vidal, Andrew Lang, and Dr. Helen Caldicott. In this book she devotes a section on Jerusalam spelling the name as "JerUSAlem," which a cryptic way to describe the symbionic relationship between the Evangelists and Zionists for the occupation and control of Palestine. TRUTH is Bitter but must be told to wake up the people who are intoxicated with perpetual dose of propaganda and do not care to read Historical facts.

Bashir A. Syed
Member: Union of Concerned Scientists 
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They should be right at home with Falwell, Robertson, and the
followers of Meir Kahane.

It is the duty of the non-extremists to raise their voices against
the extremists. To remain silent only helps them.
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