"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 2195
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The Federal Government of Pakistan who professes to be promoting enlightened moderation seems to ignore the fact that Holy Prophet (sws) laid great emphasis on unity of Ummah. It is simply illogical to believe that he wanted that different months of Islamic calendar begin and end in different cities and countries on different weekdays with a gap of one to three days and/or having a month of 29 days in one country and the same month same year having 30 days in another! In 1994 the organization of Islamic countries had resolved to work for reaching an agreement on the unification of the Hijri Calendar about which the official stand of the Government of Pakistan is either not firmed up or it is not in accordance with the policy of enlightened moderation.


It is fallacious to believe that just as prayer timings differ from place to place, Ramazan dates and Eid days can also differ. On the contrary just as Juma prayers are offered within 12 to 15 hours around the globe, we should be able to start and end Ramazan and other months and offer eid prayers within the same time constraint "“ and not with the gap of one to three days. The day of Juma and beginning and end of Islamic months are global "“ not regional whereas
only prayer timings are regional.


Holy Quran does not mandate moon sighting by naked eyes. It was the logically correct interpretation of Muslim scholars of 10th century during the reign of Fatmid caliphs in Egypt
that the advise of the Holy Prophet to start and end fasting by looking at the crescent was meant for people of that age as there were no printed calendars. And the use of Islamic Hijri calendar based on astronomical calculation came into advent in 10th century in order to maintain uniformity in the growing Muslim communities in different countries and continents. However, the orthodoxy of Saudi Arabia insisted and still insists that visibility of crescent at Ka'ba in Mecca is the criteria whereas in South Asian and Far Eastern countries the age-old tradition of regional moon sighting is continuing by the majority of Muslims. .


In the past there were but a few errors in the announcements of Hajj and Eid dates by Saudi authorities. But Allah is very kind to us. He does not deprive us the benefit of Holy Ramazan or Hajj if we erred in determining the exact dates.

The possibilities of errors in visibility forecasts by meteorological department or in naked eye sighting of crescent would always exist as visibility on earth is affected by a number of factors. The date and time of each New Moon can be computed exactly but the time that the Moon
first becomes visible after the New Moon depends not only on location, weather and many factors and cannot be predicted with certainty. Further earth mass is 81 times greater and diameter 4 times bigger than moon and visibility on the same day on all around the globe is not
possible. In fact the moon may not be sighted in certain parts of earth for several months. . ..


The holy city of Mecca has a unique location as center of Islamic world and the Muslim are commanded to face Ka'ba when offering prayer. So the crescent sighting at Mecca and
the astronomical calculations for appearance of crescent over Mecca's horizon should be good enough for the whole Muslim world as information can now be conveyed within seconds.

In verse 055.005 of Holy Quran we are told, "The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed." Muslim astronomers of 10th century had calculated them accurately and now the modern technology is greatly facilitating their calculations. The Umm al-Qura calendar has been developed at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in Riyadh based on the modern astronomical data.
It is use in Saudi Arabia only for civil purposes but for important occasions such as Holy Ramazan, Hajj etc. the practice of seeing the crescent with naked eye from Mecca,
or more precisely, from the Great Mosque of Mecca (al-masjid al-haram) where the Ka'ba and the holy Black Stone (al-hajar al-aswad) are located - is being followed.


The Qur'an constantly reiterates the view that the idea of antiquity of an idea is neither the evidence of its falsity, nor is it a testimony of its truthfulness.
Antiquity affects material objects; but the eternal truths of existence never become old and outmoded. Truths like:

God changes not what is in a people, until they change what is in themselves ... (13:11)

are true forever and ever. The Qur'an asks us to face issues with the weapon of reason and intellect. One should neither forsake a belief for fear of becoming the target of others' ridicule and banter, nor should he accept a belief just because it is upheld by some important and well- known persons. We should ourselves study and investigate the roots of all matters and draw our own conclusions.

The Government of Pakistan needs to initiate coordination with OIC and Saudi Government and make planned and sustained efforts to seek the assistance of the jurists, scholars and astronomers with a view to reaching an agreement on the unification of the Hijri Calendar. Until
then we should follow the announcements at K'aba and dissolve Central and Regional Ruyiet Hilal Committees.

Shah Nawaz. Khan

Arif N. Khan
 Reply:   Let us correct our Qibla for G
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (9/Nov/2006)
Umm Al Qura means Mother of all cities this title is given by Allah (Subhana hu wo taala)= ( Holy is He above everything) to the holy city of Mecca where Holy Kaaba is located.
Let us correct our Qibla for Global Umm Al Qura calendar
Qibla is an Arabic word for the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays. The qibla has importance to more than just the salat, and plays an important part in everyday ceremonies. The head of an animal that is slaughtered using Halal methods is aligned with the qibla. After death, Muslims are buried with their faces in the direction of the qibla.
Umm Al Qura means Mother of all cities this title is given by Allah (Subhana hu wo taala)= ( Holy is He above everything) to the holy city of Mecca where Holy Kaaba is located.  Mecca has a unique location as center of Islamic world and the Muslim are commanded to face Ka'ba when offering prayers.
It is well known that in some parts of the globe deep in the West of Mecca the crescent tends to become visible a day earlier than Holy Mecca but in some parts deep in East of Mecca a day or two later.
So Mecca must be the International date line for Islamic lunar calendar. And the crescent sighting at Mecca or preferably the astronomical calculations for appearance of crescent over Mecca's horizon are good enough for the whole Muslim world as information can now be conveyed within seconds. We can ignore earlier sighting deep in West of Mecca because the advice of the Holy Prophet (sws) was apparently for crescent's appearance in Arabia as it was addressed to the people of Arabia whom he himself defined as illiterate. Obviously the population of Muslims of that age who were not literate and did not know how to write or to calculate (complicated astronomical data was confined to Arabia. So that advice cannot be said with certainty to be applicable to Muslims all over the world.
Therefore, the Umm Al Qura Calendar based on astronomical calculations for appearance of crescent in Mecca is the best  way to standardize Islamic dating procedures and ensure Eid on the same day all around the world. Just as Juma prayers are offered within 12 to 15 hours, we should be able to offer Eid prayers and follow beginning of new Islamic month within that time span.
Visibility of moon on earth by naked eye is becoming more and more unpredictable due to global  warming and pollution of atmosphere because of industrialization and space exploration. In the first two days after New Moon, the new  crescent Moon appears very low in the western sky after sunset, and must be viewed through bright twilight. It sets shortly after sunset within a few minutes or seconds. The sighting of the lunar crescent within one day of New Moon is usually difficult but possible at some locations as the crescent at this time is quite thin, has a low surface brightness, and can easily be lost in the twilight.
The old Fuqaha Positions on Regional and Global Sighting "Ikhtilaf vs. Ittihad al-Matali" appear to be based on convenient methods of communicating sighting at one place to the people in other vicinities.
Shari'ah is supposed to aim at helping the believers in carrying out their religious obligations conveniently. A schedule of Islamic dates according to astronomical calculation for appearance of moon at Mecca will reduce a lot of hardship, chaos and confusion that happen every year at the time of the beginning of Ramadan and the two Eids. Many communities are following calendar for years. Imam Shafi and other Fuqha had extended the limit of regional moonsighting according to the means of communication available in that age.
We need to examine this issue with the reason and logic as advised to in Holy Quran, which reiterates the view that the idea of antiquity of an idea is neither the evidence of its falsity, nor is it a testimony of its truthfulness. Antiquity affects material objects; but the eternal truths of existence never become old and outmoded. Truths like: God changes not what is in a people, until they change what is in themselves ... (13:11) are true for ever and ever. The Qur'an asks us to face issues with the weapon of reason and intellect. One should neither forsake a belief for fear of becoming the target of others' ridicule and banter, nor should he accept a belief just because it is upheld by some important and well- known persons. We should ourselves study and investigate the roots of all matters and draw our own conclusions. "

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