"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Mathal
Full Name: Dj Mathal
User since: 14/Apr/2008
No Of voices: 115
Time to speak up by DJ Mathal
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Provincial status a fool's paradise by Dj Mathal
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GB’s independence: a lesson from Karbala by DJ Mathal
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The shattered hopes by Dj Mmathal
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The youth and our destiny by dj mathal
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The tax bomb by DJ Mathal
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Hollowness of the system by DJ Mathal
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Whispers of a vagabond by DJ Mathal
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Gilgit Baltistan is but to serve the mighty
 By Dj Mathal
True, Pakistan can be called a country as per its outlook but in reality this shelter of over 170 million people has still not been made as a living place or motherland. The millions dwelling on this land are spending a life not different from that of the weak and crippled animals of a jungle. As in a jungle, the mighty and powerful hunt down small and weak animals to overcome their hunger and this too is a golden principle of the animals dwelling in a forest that whenever a prey strikes upon a flock they run for their lives caring not about who is left behind and the unlucky companion is forgotten within a few moments as if they were not born at all. The fear of prey too vanishes away as soon as the herbivores see a peace of land to graze upon or a small stream to have few drops from. It seems as if the millions dwelling in the jungle are born but to feed the hunger of the powerful and mighty.

The ideology and reasons behind the creation of Pakistan as explained in books and newspapers are visible nowhere instead it seems as if the country were a jungle ruled by a handful of the mighty and powerful elite or call a handful or powerful elite created the country to have its rule on and to undue its hunger with the weak and crippled. In today's Pakistan, every tactic is experimented on the poor masses that the blood thirsty kings of Roman and early Greek era would have used for their lust. Gilgit-Baltistan is ideal in this regard where the rights and powers of the weak are snatched by a handful ruling elite just to fulfill their greed and lust for power. Two generations of the people living in the Himalayas and Karakorum have passed away facing extreme poverty, misery and embellishments and a third is on the very verge of parting from life and livelihood. Nothing for good has changed in the region and the people have nothing but to wait for good days of which they never had and have the slightest notion as where it lies. The masses of Gilgit-Baltistan are no less the amount of bet the honor has nothing to lose but an amount and if luck wins a favor it has a world to gain. In a nutshell, the masses of the region are helpless at the hands of their masters. With no power to legislate they are but waiting for a time when their master will lose them in the bet or gain a more loyal slave.

Its said that one's land is his mother and people have a special attachment with the land they live in and no assault on the mother can be tolerated by any individual no matter how much might may he/she holds but the situation in Pakistan is opposite to that of the natural affinity of an individual with its land. Those who leave no stone unturned to cause harm to Pakistan are honored by its rulers and a fool on earth can expect anything good from such rulers. Like the predators of jungle, the rulers of Pakistan have nothing but a concern with their lust. The condition of the masses too is no less than the poor preys of the jungle who forget each and every life lost in their team as soon as their eyes meet greenery. The mourn lasts as long as they don't see any grazing land. Pakistani rulers like the predators take a long nap after hunting their prey and remain in hibernation until and unless they feel the urge for food.

Today Gilgit-Baltistan is drawn deep in an ocean of poverty, misery, alienation and extreme backwardness. Experiments of various sorts are being applied on masses of Gilgi-Baltistan. They are implementing their imperialist successors' divide and rule principle in full vigor to achieve their objectives. The sectarian strife's of Gilgit-Baltistan are no different than the fight of the wild bulls of the jungle. The bulls start to fight hurting and weakening each other not realizing that a lion nearby is watching them and will attack anytime as she thinks the preys have got weak enough for an easy hunt. The masses of Gilgit-Baltistan too like the wild bull fights bloody wars among themselves but they become numb when the predator attacks and they don't bother to unite and fight against the predators who are their collective enemy.

Until the downfall of Genral (retd) Pervaz Musharraf there was no one but PML-Q and today everything has vanished and if there is anything in sight that is the PPP. This is the political biography of Gilgit-Baltistan. The case of Gilgit-Baltistan is much different from the four provinces of Pakistan as the people living in Pakistan have at least the power to elect their representatives and this way democracy no matter in what  form at least exists in the country but in Gilgit-Baltistan the victory and defeat of any party has no effect on the mainstream politics they just become the horses on the political chessboard of Islamabad. If newspapers of last five years are looked at a glance one will come to see statements of PPP leadership with tall claims of making Gilgit-Baltistan a province the very day they are sworn into power and the masses started thinking of the party as its sole savior but after one year in power the most irritating heart-wrenching statements are also coming from the PPP leadership. A non-local PCO judge was appointed as chief judge in the supreme appellate court by non other than the PPP. The most talkative minister Qmar Zaman Kaira has no time even to meet the party's president of Gilgit-Baltistan. Had Zulfikar Ali Bhutto been alive today the situation would have been different and in the current scenario the sole savior of the region is the nationalist cadre. They are the only class to have a clear cut agenda and they are cent percent right in saying that the issue of Gilgit-Baltistan can be solved only when the region is looked at through a different prospective.

Making roads and building bridges is same like grazing of the herbivores of jungle so that they can become healthy enough to fill the hungry stomach of their preys. The only safe escape from the predator is the way of the nationalists which is of complete sovereignty otherwise a prisoner too gets a mail of two times.
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