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The Brief of European Parliament Rapporteur on Kashmir a fair analysis

people cry when they are inflicted wounds,state cry when their set agenda is not fulfilled and establishment is the only instrument which implement its policies by its proxies. The same we are seeing in the media now a days against a draft report on Kashmir which was prepared after details travel to the effected area of former princely state of Jammu Kashmir. The significance of this report is obviously panic to those who have been betraying the people since years. European parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs and Human rights is highly appreciable from democratic,secular and progressive polity of entire
jammu Kashmir and above them all United Kashmir Peoples National Party (UKPNP)
would have this privilege to welcome this report.We also believe that it was the
constant intervention of the Party leadership on various international platforms
including UN Sub Commission on Human Rights at Geneva and European parliament in
Brussels. United Kashmir Peoples National Party
(UKPNP). has two years interaction with different political groups in the
European parliament and during these years many meetings, briefing with Members
European parliament have been taking place between the Party and IKA leadership
respectively. In 2003 party has published a Preliminary study report on Azad
Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan which was also distributed among MEPs and Belgian
MPs in Belgium. I would like to highlight some of its main parts here to have a
fair analysis and honest judgment in this regard.
paragraph A. Whereas the territory which constituted the former princely state
of Jammu and Kashmir is currently administered in separate parts by the Republic
of India, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Peoples Republic of China,and has
a total population of 13.4 million.
B. Whereas much of Jammu and Kashmir,in particular Azad Jammu and Kashmir
(AJK), suffers from extreme poverty and neglect, with enormous deficiencies in
basic literacy and numeracy, access to health care,lack of democratic structures
and major deficiencies in the rule of law and justice, and whereas the whole of
Jammu and Kashmir suffers from exceptional economic declines.
Analysis: This is very true that there is no infrastructure in Azad Kashmir,
there is judiciary but it is not independent as it should be. There is no
economic activity in the area. Lack of industrialization and lack of productive
activities are major causes of unemployment in the area. During recent years
hundred of educated youth,skilled workers and highly educated have migrated from
the area to different European countries United States and North America.
Paragraph C. In this paragraph question of water resources is a factor
underlying the dispute between Pakistan and India over Jammu and Kashmir and is
central to any definitive resolution.
Paragraph H. Describe the devastation of deadly earthquake of 8Th October-2005
and it comprehensively describe the situation in different fields of life and
who it was responded.
Introduction: 1- Stresses that both India and Pakistan are important EU
partners, notes that the EU has not been invited to take on a mediating role in
the Kashmir dispute.Nevertheless thinks that the EU may have something to offer
based on past experience of conflict resolution in a multi-ethnic,
multinational, multi-faith context, therefore offers the present resolution and
any meeting that may come out of it as part of a shared experience from which
the EU can also learn.
2. Notes that both countries are now members of the nuclear club, draws
attention to the fact that India is the world's largest democracy and has a
functioning democracy at local level, whereas Pakistan still has to show that it
is respecting democratic principles in a great many areas.
3. Notes that the impact of the earthquake on the Pakistani Kashmiris has
gravely exacerbated the already exceptionally aparse basic needs provision and
has dramatically impaired institutions and capacity building potential.
4. Underlines the common heritage shared by India and Pakistan, exemplified in
the ancient culture of Jammu and Kashmir, recognizes the values the pluralism,
multiculturalism,and multi faith nature and traditions of the peoples of Jammu
and Kashmir.
5. Urges the Government of Pakistan and India to resolve the crucial riparian
issues affecting the head waters and the use of the rivers flowing through Jammu
and Kashmir( the Indus , Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi,Beas and Sutlej rivers) as swiftly
as possible, nevertheless, urges that the agricultural, fishing, livestock and
human water requirements of the local people remain a key priority.
Page 5 of the report describe the Impact of earthquake of 8 October 2005.
Page 6: Political Situation: the aspirations of the people

paragraph: 17 of the page 6 describe that regrets,however,that Pakistan has
consistently failed to fulfill its obligations to introduce meaningful and
representative democratic structures in AJK, Notes in particular that continuing
absence of Kahsmiri representation in the Pakistan national Assembly, the fact
that AJK is governed through the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs in Islamabad, that
Pakistan officials dominate that Kashmir council and that the chief secretary,
the Inspector General of Police, the Accountant General and the Finance
Secretary are all from Pakistan, abhors the provision in the act 1974 interim
constitution which forbids any political activity that is not in accordance with
the doctrine of Jammu and Kashmir as part declaration of loyalty to that effect,
is concerned that the Gilgit baltistan region enjoys no form of democratic
representation whatsoever,
it is right time for Kashmiri intelligentsia, political activists,civil
society to re examine their collective wisdom to appreciate this rapporteur
which is comprehensively covering all areas of entire Jammu and Kashmir state.
Apparently there is nothing wrong in it to criticize, but the only problem for
some certain quarters who can't tolerate any debate and discussion about the
parts of Kashmir under Pakistan. we hope that people would do comment on this
rapporteur after reading it. I can say that lot of people just condemning that
report without going through its contents.

Jamil Maqsood
General Secretary
United Kashmir Peoples National Party Belgium.
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