"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: ruby
Full Name: Rubina naz
User since: 29/Sep/2007
No Of voices: 86
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 Reply:   Re:Kal kay bayhaal or aaj kay bahaal CJ
Replied by(jojo) Replied on (20/Mar/2009)

Dear Ruby i want to appreciate your feelings to wards Pakistan, what ever you wrote in this latter it was impressive and i know only one thing Pakistan will never die because the peoples like you and many more are patriotic the example are in front of us in the shape of Pakistani awam, because from last 60 years the way this brave people of Pakistan are facing problem and fighting for there normal rights on the other hand we have some garbage people who are working in Govt only for the sack of money not for the sack of humanity, not for the sack of Pakistan. Their aim is only get money and full fill their bank account. Even though all the media and all the banks even all the Pakistan knows their "Kala Emal Namas" but still they are their same seat. I will also request to CJ Pakistan now this is your time to bring Pakistan on right way. I want him to take a strict action on "Election Commission Pakistan" who are freely giving permission to bastered politician to come and join politics to destroy the future of Pakistan. They should make all the legal documents for that person who want to be a candidate, No criminal record, their education and much more. Now this people who are sitting in Parliament their hands are full of innocents blood. Their decision are also premature as they are premature. Our Govt need sensible person and patriotic people not like those who are eating bread in Pakistan and showing their sincerity to India or other country.
I want CJ Pakistan to take action against that man who is sitting in parliament and he buried 5 ladies alive in graves. He is from Baluchistan. He act like not Muslim but as a Hindu because this things are not in our religion. I want his punishment i want him to take a strict action on that because now so many our illiterate Pakistani who are also doing the same thing out side of Pakistan like one man kill her daughter in Canada, one man shoot her to daughters in USA, one man CEO of TV station in USA beheaded her wife. Unfortunately all of them are representing Pakistan and Islam. The people are developing to much hate from both Pakistan and Islam.
I want him to start to give cheep and fast justice. Not like us our land problem already reach to 3rd generation what about those farmers who are suffering. The layers demanding to much money but doing nothing.
So please CJ Pakistan dont let your layers sleep or please dont let them behave like our politition.
One more very important request remove all the garbage from Parliament, investigate all the politician their property and their salaries. Those who took money from banks in billion billion dollars please tell them to return that all money to banks that money belongs to Pakistani awam who needed more than them, even though they have to sale their homes and their property, please check the property of their love ones also because these insects are not putting money in their account they are reffering to their love ones.
I want a strict action against them, those people who are not qualified as a candidate throw him in the garbage.
Hope Allah will help you CJ Pakistan. I really took pity on those who's fathers are missing its to hard to survive with out father even though he will not earn even a single pinny but "Us ka saya he kafi hy duniya ke dhoop main" Please open this case again and help them.
My dream is my people to whome i am loving a lot they are mine even good or bad my innocent awam i want them to respect the "KANOON" in every mean if you are wrong accept your mistake and try to up grade your self, please try to respect all professions and dont break laws on the road or even in normal life. Try to be a Good Pakistani because when ever Allah will give you a chance to go abroad and work so you can re present your self in good manners.
Hope Allah will help all of us and he will let us do only good things. Life is to short so do good as much as you can.
Pakistan Zindabad
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