"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
User since: 22/Jan/2008
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Which is near you, Punch or God? – Hole Broker would tutor Jinnah’s teachings on GEO TV.

BY: Earthman, International Professor

Have you noticed that why Americans are in panic about future of Pakistan? Have you also not noticed that why Pakistani politicians and generals are in hurry to change sides?

Answer is simple that US wants to engage Pak army in full fledge civil war, before arrival of its new wave of thousands of fresh troops at Afghanistan. Panic that those have realized that Obama’s announcement to fight war of terror is reproduction of mistakes of President L B Johnson and Afghanistan would be another Vietnam. 

Summersaults of heterogeneous mentality Pakistani politicians and panic among their ranks have a different scenario. All of those have consensus on receipt of $ 1.5 billion aid from USA without any accountability. But weasel and snake fight is very much visible among their ranks. Time will tell who will be winner but one thing is very clear that a sign of mass bloodshed is written on the wall, which would divide Pakistan forever.  Pakistan army will be divided for ever on ethnic and religious lines. To see faces in spreaded fog we will discuss some of major circumstances.

1.   It is almost agreed that poor army Jawans would be sacrificial goats in both of above scenarios.  Generals want to suck their share from $ 1.5 Billion per year mercenaries’ stipend, and politicians need their share as well. Blood of Jawan’s is the only cheapest way which could keep flowing personal financial needs of all parties.

2.   Zardari has no footings as NRO has deprived him from any reliability and he is incapable to take stand on any national issue.

3.   Altaf Hussain has his own problems, his criminal records and regular income to run a political party while sitting at London has put shackles in his feet. He wants to divide Pakistan and from time to time he says that he is true custodian of Blair, Mush and Bush doctrine, next time he says that he is true follower of G M Syed, with in next breathe he says that he is custodian of doctrine of Bacha Khan. A few years back his speeches are witness that he was against Sindhis, today he says Sindh is his Dharti Maan, a modified version of Bharat Mata. He announced and declared Pakistan a plunder while visiting India and yesterday seen siding with Baloch nationalists, to whom Rahman Malik declared as Indian agents today in senate.

Altaf Husain has also announced that he will fight shoulder to shoulder with Pak army; we will watch and see when he will return from London. He was  also shown on TV channels  greasing Gen Kiyani. 

4.   Ideologies of Awami National Party are not hidden and those are flag bearers of Pakhtonistan, and Pakhtoon Khwa is a first step in that direction.

5.   Fazal ur Rahman says that leave Kashmir and India, and first of all fight American crusade. He is incapable to work as Chairman of Kashmir committee and Government of Pakistan must kick him out from the Kashmir committee. That is what NATO is saying since long, Zardari himself said same wordings, it means name of Kashmir would be a burden for PPP’s government.

He had been working as a wandering cat to move everywhere and smell every kitchen but did not let reveal his true mentality, which is now disclosed and he has finally announced to shoulder crusade for the sake of his share in the offing for the $ 1.5 billion mercenary monies.

6.   Summersaults of Mian Nawaz Nawaz sheriff and PML N are worth laughing, it is old custom of Shariff’s to make fool to the peoples for his personal interests. Peoples still remember when he won elections on the name of Shariat Bill, later he kicked out his supporters.

It was our mistake that we protested against Saudi Government when Saudi intelligence chief kidnapped him in Mush era. His contacts have been restored but perhaps we will not be allowed to enter in Kingdom anymore. Most funny situation is that visits of a few Western lower grade officers to his residence let pushed him under illusions that Washington has chosen him to replace Zardari.

He doesn’t realize that Gen Kiyani is a guide and protector of Zardari mafia, and Sharif brothers have no access to current Army high command which was chosen and implanted by crusaders. Moreover current entire foreign policy is dependent on those generals who were chosen by Mush and CIA. None of them have any sympathy with Nawaz Shariff. 

Now he has announced to join crusade, it means that crowd he collected behind him on fake green gardens will disappear very soon due to his panic to jump on Islamabad with the help of crusaders.

Over 50%, crowd behind Mian Nawaz Shariff would left PML N and join PTI of Imran Khan, and if Government of Zardari and Gaillani fell almost 30% sympathizers of PPP will not vote for PPP this time. A new religious party’s alliance could attract anti-American peoples excluding Fazal. If sheikh Rashid would be sensible politician then he would manage anti-American crowds in his favor.

7.   Today Mush has offered his services that since Taliban have reached behind Margalla hills, so he is ready to serve as President of Pakistan. Nation has seen no difference in his policies comparing with Zardari, both are same. However it will be lottery for PML Q, ANP, JUI Fazal group, Fauji political party and liberal fascists, who will send Zardari to Surrey Palace and Mian Nawaz Shariff to Jeddah. It was foolishness of Zardari who had kept all boy and girl friends of Mush intact and at their places. PPP would be surprised how those will rush out of their bills when Mush will stand. Don’t forget that fascist liberals were backbone of Mush.

Attempts to fail Nizam e Adal regulation:

Maulana Sufi of TNSM was an escape goat; ANP used him to corner JUI and JI forever. It was not an Islamization effort from any angle and it was passed for the sake of protection of politicians, who were scared to even go to their homes. Government who claims champion of human rights is still unable to help round one million refugees of FATA areas wandering around the country.


After criticism of NATO, it was not possible for footless Zardari to stand anymore on this agreement. In fact ground realities tell that it was not any attempt for peace, but it was a technique to blackmail USA for seeking more and more dollars.

Now since Zardari has pledges of around $ 7-9 billion in his pocket, so his mood has changed. Everybody knows that it was a sham agreement because hue and cry from among bed fellows of Zardari was surprising since first day. Such as Sherry Rahman who is still drawing minister’s salary and privileges, defecto first lady Farahnaz Ispahani, Fauzia Wahab, Kaira and Kazmi Min of religious affairs etc. were leading friends of Zardari.


All of them were against this agreement on religious abhorrence since first day. Widely propagated theories like TNSM are Deobandis, those are Wahabi’s or those are Saudi sponsored group, moreover falls info that there are 72 sects in Pakistan, bashing Islam by saying Taliban brand of Islam and Taliban Shariat etc. type sermons were telecasted on regular basis.


Video of Chand Bibi was floated to sabotage agreement; PPP was behind creating and distribution of that video on global level to sabotage peace agreement.  Samar Minhala was escape goat; however she earned hundred thousand by selling that video.


Peoples also say that his brother Athar Minhala who is mole of foreign embassy was behind Summer Minhala, who used her to sabotage peace agreement. Certainly speculations bear some facts because same lords of Athar Minallah were seen advising Pak army to join civil war and abandon such peace deals. It is on record.


MQM agreed and signed peace deal in parliamentary committee, motive why MQM backed out was simple because their overseas patrons asked them to do so.

When Pakistani’s in Britain were arrested on suspicion of terrorism, Altaf group was dancing with joy on those arrests, and he issued a sermon that Pakistan is dangerous country, source of terrorism and a threat for entire world.

Nizam e Adal regulation is a blow for liberal fascists, which put their overseas stipends in danger. Danger for blockage to flow of money to hungry and naked TV channels around hundred in Pakistan made them sentimental to beat drums against Nizam e Adal.

Earlier propaganda described that 25 Lakh Taliban have reached Karachi, then to Lahore and latest news says that those have reached behind Margalla hills, Islamabad.

It was also floated that ten thousand Tajik’s are in Buner, Taliban’s have captured Shangla, Taliban’s have reached Mansehra, and latest Taliban’s have occupied Buner and Marching towards Islamabad. One million population of Buner was seen surrendered to 30 Taliban’s, is this not joking.

From lower grade officers of Western countries and politicians are regularly forecasting that Taliban are marching towards Islamabad and it is only 30 KM away from the reach of Taliban.

Islamists in ISI will hand them over nuclear arsenals to them. All of channels from Pakistan and around the globe are ready to broadcast breaking news that Islamabad is surrendered to Taliban. So next step would be justification of direct invasion of NATO on Pakistani territory, with in no time UNO will pass an urgent bill to takeover nuclear arsenals of Pakistan.

Whole storey revolves around nuclear arsenals of Pakistan.

Forthcoming $ 1.5 billion per year cash for mercenary duties.

Security of Israel and India, Israel has declared Pakistan as most dangerous country more than Iran.

Zardari’s corruption money, NRO and other loop holes of PPP and MQM.

Fear of accountability of $ 10 billion American looted money.

Fear of HRCP, NGO’s, and other liberal fascists from blockade of overseas accounts.

Another major source of anarchy is Pakistani private TV channels. Their source of income is entirely dependent on the existence of state of anarchy in Pakistan.

Hole Broker will now teach us Jinnah’s Pakistan and modernization on GEO TV.

Contentment of sons of Mir Khalil ur Rahman is on yield point, as Hole breakers has announced that Muslims of Pakistan have forgotten true teachings of Jinnah. So he will lecture on 11 September’s speech of Jinnah, teach enlightened moderation and will guide execution of secularism in Pakistan. His speech writers would be Hussain Haqqani, Abdullah Husain Haroon, Hasan Askari Rizvi, Najam Sethi or Prof. Mahdi.

Jang group already have marvelous bunch of liberal fascists including speech writers like Nazir Naji, Munoo Bhai, Mahmood Sham, Irshad Ahmad Haqqani and others.

However one thing is clear that after backing out from Nizam e Adal regulation, neither Mian Nawaz sheriff nor Zardari would be in a position to collect any benefit.  Bloodshed will make Pakistan hell, Mian Nawaz sheriff will be main loser.

Bird’s eye view has seen another scenario which no politician has vision to even imagine, except 10-12 army generals who are true jugglers and behind running current Govt. would implant another Hosni Mubarik. Fate of Pakistan is written on the wall, neither nation nor army will be able to tolerate mass causalities. Afghanistan is not last goal of NATO, it is unending war. Liberal fascists will slip out of country after igniting full fledges war.

How can we avoid forthcoming bloodshed?

Totally refuse American aid.

Change guards and moles of foreign countries, including generals, ambassadors and bureaucrats.

Replace Zardari with any other leader of PPP.

Bring back Altaf Hussain mafia from London  

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