"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: saadat
Full Name: saadat tahir
User since: 15/Apr/2009
No Of voices: 86
 Views: 1754   
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Wilted blossoms


Whipping boy of Victorian days.

Weeping lonely Silent prays.

Lordship has the gift of youth.

Dies an rises that uncouth.

The lash will pain as it rains.

Welts and wheals of those canes.

The rending howl is deeper yet,

dwells profound an endless fret.

Chutes and lutes and em toys,

goodies of life for those boys.

HE forgets to send me die;

be beaten blue at every ploy.

Smell of cordite bitter sweet.

All the better taken neat.

Burn the orchard trample wheat.

Smoke em out with searing heat.

Distant mumbles turn to grumble,

an in time a gun will rumble.

Crush a bone and pulp the flesh

in time shall geal to steely mesh


(May 11, 2009)

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