"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Irfan_Siddiqui
Full Name: Irfan Siddiqui
User since: 5/Oct/2007
No Of voices: 668
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 Replies: 3   
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 Reply:   I am not agree with you dr
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (25/Jun/2009)

It is not right to call any one American agent just because his one ideology is not as per your ideology. as per records he was among biggest anti-Americans ans that is why Musharraf put him in jail as well.
He was not totally against mujahideen as well, i think he was only against suicide attacks in Pakistan and on this issue there is difference of opinion.
I think we should leave this habit of calling other person American/Jew agent just because of difference of opinion.
and as a muslim we should always seek forgiveness for dead muslims, no matter how much evil they were.
Please use capital A for Allah.
 Reply:   serferaz naeemi was traitor of islam
Replied by(drkjke) Replied on (25/Jun/2009)

serferaz naeemi was traitor of islam.he in his hate against mujahideen uged pakistan army to destroy all mujahideen and there families
a day before naeemi died tyhe pakistani army planes attacked a madrasa in hangu killing hundred women and children and this zaalim cruel serferaz naeemi supported this murder
may allah never forgive this munafiq aalim serferaz naeemi amen
 Reply:   irfan siddiqui is a liar
Replied by(drkjke) Replied on (25/Jun/2009)

irfan siddiqui is a liar.
the fact is that maulana serferaz naeemi was an american agent.he met with american ambassaddor before his death and most probably under american orders he organised all pakistan ulema convention which urged pakistani army to invade and kill swati and waziristani people.
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