"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Mathal
Full Name: Dj Mathal
User since: 14/Apr/2008
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Stop humiliating people in the name of security

By Dj mathal

A few days back sensitive security agencies raided two localities in the Gilgit city and according to some reports rounded up six most dangerous terrorists. According to the deputy commissioner of Gilgit, however, the number of the arrested terrorists was two. The law enforcers also claimed to have recovered a large number of explosives including suicide vests, arms and ammunitions and other materials used in terrorist activities. It is said that the terrorists arrested in the first round were outsiders, not local, and they were planning to target the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), an NGO working in various uplift projects of health, education and other fields in the region. The terrorists also planned to strike worship places including mosques, Imambargahs and Jamat Khanas besides important government buildings and installation in the region. In a raid at the Gulabpur area of Ghizer, four alleged terrorists were arrested. They are also said to be outsiders and were planning to spread out in the region and carry out terrorist activities. However, due to prompt and tight security by the law enforcers the terrorists could not implement their plans. But in the Sher Qila area of Ghizer, due to laxity on part of the law enforcers, the suspected terrorists succeeded in crossing the barriers and reaching Langar post where they were, however, apprehended.

 Like Gilgit, Assistant Commissioner Ghizer Mr Usman and SP Sultan Azam have asked the residents to be vigilant and in this regard banners and posters have been put up in the area creating awareness among the masses. To ensure security in the area, the police are being reinforced with supply of more personnel, equipment and vehicles.

It is unfortunate that a very dangerous game seems to be in place in the whole Gilgit-Baltistan. This game was actually started in 1947 which has now become a real threat to the peace of the region. In this game, international players have also joined hands and if we term it a game of subjugation it would not be out of place. The British under the June 3 plan divided the subcontinent; however, they left some of the disputed areas unresolved and made them a bone of contention between the two states. One of these disputed areas was Gilgit-Baltistan, where till today a great game is underway in which the lives of its over two million people are at stake.

It is ironic that the people of the region won freedom from the Dogra rule but were enslaved in their own country. The condition in which they have been living for the last over 62 years has made them mentally disturbed besides endangering their very survival, culture, history and identity. Moreover, the concept of basic human rights in the region has been blurred altogether even in the 21st century. Now it has become a fact that Gilgit-Baltistan is an internationally recognized disputed region whose status has to be decided. This area is not a constitutional part of any country and fulfils all requirements to become a separate country. People living here have their own distinct identity, culture and history and their socio-economic requirements are also similar. Unfortunately, Pakistan has failed to ensure the basic rights of the two million people of the region. Had Pakistan taken care of the socio-economic conditions of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, the situation would not have reached such an impasse.

For the last over six decades, the people of the region have been kept in false promises after promises regarding their basic rights. As a result, today the region is awash with deprivation, frustration and unemployment among the youth. With Pakistan itself engulfed in the fire of terrorism and international conspiracies, there is no hope that it can ensure the basic rights of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan. Time is ripe for the rulers to realize the gravity of the situation and save the region from falling into the fire of terrorism and extremism. It is also imperative that there must not be any attempt to humiliate the peace loving people under the guise of terrorism. Saner elements would be asking that is there any conspiracy to start another game in the region under the pretext of hunting terror elements in the region? People have already been asking that why thousands of paramilitary forces deployed in the region after the 2005 terror incidents failed to maintain law and order in the region. Was the deployment of the forces aimed at subjugating the masses and silencing the voices being raised for the basic rights of the people? It is said that billions of rupees are being spent on the law enforcers at the cost of development and welfare projects but even then there is no security of life and property ensured in the region. It is time such types of double standards are done away for the good of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan and also for the welfare of Pakistan itself..



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