"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ink_Drops
Full Name: Syed M. Aslam
User since: 17/Jul/2009
No Of voices: 61
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Just who are we?
(Published 29.5.2009)
Just what kind of human beings are we? We let the rulers walk all over us, let them trample every single of the rights guaranteed to us under the constitution and we bring the rulers on both sides of treasury and opposition benches to power but never questions their excessive luxury at our expense. We let them get away with promises not intended to be fulfilled, we go hungry as they fly all across the world with pomp undeserving for a poor nation like us, we slavishly brave longish load shedding every single day, and night, of Pakistan's unmerciful summer despite forced to pay fraudulently excess energy bills that keeps on getting bigger with each increase in the duration of load shedding. Just who are we?

We let the rulers block main thoroughfares and choke the arteries of all urban centres of the country for fear of security simply because our leaders as well as public servants are extremely self-conscious about their security. We let them block the roads, constructed by our taxes, so thoroughly that sick, accident victims are forced to die "˜natural deaths' within the confines of ambulances; elders, women and school going children never reach to their destinations; people living or working in offices and flats that happen to line up the "˜VIP movement' can not enter or leave their buildings; cars and motorcycles can not be parked in the area. We accept the inhumane, immoral, illegal and unconstitutional excesses of our rulers and officials with patience which is nothing less them inhumane itself. We ask no questions, raise no protest, demand no fair treatment. Just who are we?

We turn up in mass numbers to vote at elections.
We dance, sing and distribute sweet to celebrate the victory of our candidates. We protest and get beaten by a police force trained to beat and torture people with utmost ruthlessness even if not needed at all and we not only greet our rulers in sweltering heat and freezing cold ourselves but also allow our children to line up the streets to greet them without food or water for hours. We don't demand respect from our poiliticos, bureaucrats and officials of all hues and types who treat us nothing more than dirt and garbage.

We let our rulers to tax us to death; keep on increasing the tariff of such basic modern day essential like electricity at will, let the profiteers enrich themselves at the cost of our last rupee; let the affluent and influentials steal the last grain of wheat, rice, pulses and last drop of edible oil, milk, petrol and even water so that they could black market these and other essentials at a premium. We pamper our legislators and bureaucrats, and their families, to costly medical treatment in the developed world while deprived the luxury of even an aspirin at the government hospitals.

We let our children go hungry, un-educated, roofless and without clothes at times so the children of our masters have the luxury to don costly clothes, latest car, eat array of expensive foods, get the most expensive education within and outside the country. Just who are we?

We never question our rulers why they do not make effective policies to lessen the rampant and high un-employment in the country. We never question them why the rich are becoming richer and poor poorer. We don't take them to task why they always start pursuing a personal agenda after getting elected. We don't ask them why abject poverty; number of hungry, sick, marginalized and deprived are constantly rising in the country, why so many are finding suicide as the only viable option? We ask nothing of the sorts. We don't protest. We bear all cruelties and excesses with patience simply because we have become indifferent to the core.

We never utter a word of protest, resistance, an expression of abhorrence, a kind word to the victim of this systematic exploitation despite it becoming inhuman to the core. We don't like to talk and hear truth,. In fact, we have developed a great abhorrence for all things good and decent. We intentionally refrain from calling spade a spade. And yet we, the unfortunate people of this land of pure, think that Almighty Allah will bestow His mercy and blessings on us despite no doing a thing to earn His blessings.
Is that the way to earn the diving blessings? Are we really human? Are we really human? Just who are we?
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