"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Sami_Malik
Full Name: Sami Malik
User since: 14/Oct/2006
No Of voices: 1705
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 Reply:   We've to kill these bas...............
Replied by(ztareen) Replied on (4/Oct/2009)

I agree with you. Pakistanis has to realize that their enemies are not Alqaida or Talban but those who're playing their games in the name of war against terrorism. The real terrorist are those who are killing the muslims every where in the world.

They're fortunate to have great agents like musharraf and Z in pakistan who feel proud to lick their shoes.I wonder on pakistani army who just blind foldedly following the American dictation and killing their own Muslim brothers. Where their bravery goes where they being threatened by Americans and Indians openely.

Befor fighting them pakistanis should kill these agents who're present in our stablishment including military and civilian leadership.
Regarding nuclear weapons, everything has been decided and I'm sure that Americans have already get access and controll over it. Don't ignore their statements in these days that, now pakistan's nuclear weapons are in safe hands.

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