"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: dr._asmat_hayat_alvi
Full Name: Dr. Asmat Hayat ALVI
User since: 27/Sep/2009
No Of voices: 194
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How many Jews??????

Are living on this Globe.

Written by; Dr. Asmat Hayat ALVI.


Polls  conducted by some Jewish Organization  over the past few years claim that there are currently 13.3 million Jews living in 100 countries all over the world, 41% of which have made Israel their home and similar number, 40%, live in the US.

An expert on Jewish Affairs told; ‘Most of the world's Jews do not live in Israel.

These polls are not true; another expert on Jewish Affairs disclosed to us; on the condition of not disclosing her identity. ‘These polls are conducted by those people who want to cover-up actual facts and figures about Jewish population in the world’  she told.

In fact there are more than 33.3 million Jews living  on our globe; some 15.4 million declare themselves Jews but majority of Jews are disguising as Christians in America & Europe; Muslims in Muslim majority regions; Hindus in India & Bangladesh;  Atheists in China & N.Korea and so on’’ clarified she, the strategy of Jews.

Jews penetrate deep into different societies and systems to use those societies and systems for their own and National Causes; if system detects them at some point; they destroy that system & society now enemy; friend previously and walk away. You can never detect them even after their deaths because if he or she lived life as Christian, buried in Christian faith; if he or she lived his or her whole life like a Muslim; on his or her death Imam is asked to pray for; if they declared themselves Hindu in their life time they are burnt and in China & other Non Believers in God societies; Jews living there meet the same fate on their deaths as others’’ she warned grimly.



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