"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ghost
Full Name: Ghost
User since: 14/Aug/2006
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This article is about the high probability of an Islamist being elected to the office of the President of Turkey. It was under the grip of secularists since last 80 years when Ataturk declared Turkey a Republic in October 1923 and abolished 1400-year old Islamic Caliphate in 1924. It was an Islamic heritage since the lst Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (May Allah bless him). But now the tide is turning against the secularists, who demonstrated in large numbers in Ankara and Istanbul against an Islamist like Abdullah Gul, who might have been elected in 3rd round by the Turkish parliament for the post of the President of Turkey. Turkish Constitution Court has ruled against it on the fictitious claim of quorum requirement of two-third presence of all Parliament members. All over the world, usually, one-third presence of members is sufficient for fulfilling the quorum requirement. But Abdullah Gul claims that over 70% of 74 million Turkish population support Islamists. They can hold counter demonstrations of millions of people, if necessary, in support of an Islamist President. After the nation-wide elections on July 22, an Islamist President may be elected directly by the masses on American style. A referendum will be held to approve the change in the form for electing the President. Despite 4 military revolutions, every time rightist and Islamist parties have won the elections against the desire of the Turkish military and civil secularist elite. The probability of Islamists winning both the referendum and the elections is very high. That will be the last death knell in the coffin of the dying secularism in Turkey, which is usually called Enlightenment by Pakistan secularists.
Hussain Khan, Tokyo
 Reply:   انشاءاللہ ، جھان سے مسلمان کی زب&#
Replied by(Ghost) Replied on (17/May/2007)

انشاءاللہ ، جھان سے مسلمان کی زبون حالی شروع ھوئی تھی وھین سے مسلمانون کے ایک سنھرے دور کا آغاز ھوگا
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