"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Abubakr
Full Name: Abubakr Ayesh
User since: 4/Jun/2012
No Of voices: 26
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“The Educated Illiterate”


A general conception-and a clichéd adverb-in our society is that education shapes the personality of an individual i.e. “taaleem aadmi ko haiwaan se insaan banaati ha.” Without doubt this maxim carries weight and since the majority reading this article on the social media is educated, explaining this proverb will only bore the reader.


Nevertheless, I can explain and quote enough examples to suggest that education system of our country is not fulfilling this requirement and as this requirement is entailed as the foundation of a civilized and harmonious society, I have subsequently failed to find the evidence of both characteristics amongst the “educated” ones in our nation.


If one takes a look around the corner, one can witness the inhumane and unethical acts committed by those who claim to be educated. They may enjoy a superior lifestyle, a comfortable living, leisure time with friends and family and a sound sleep at night as the rewards of receiving a quality education but they never pay heed to the traffic rules, they do not tend to reminisce through the ethics taught to them in primary school before becoming involved in corruption with their professions, their strands of thought never broaden enough to put national interest over their personal interest. All they can think about is how can they achieve a higher social status in the society and most are readily willing to compromise their values, ethics and national interest for achieving their motives.


The point I want to make is that the educated minds of this nation-which are a precious asset given the bleak conditions of education, security and economy of our society-have become too materialistic. Education has failed to bring about a spiritual reform amongst the educated ones of our nation; it has faltered in its attempt to imbibe in them a spirit of virtue, a respect of the ethics and a disciplined code of conduct for living on their motherland.


I do not negate the challenges illiteracy, poverty, lack of quality education, injustice, inflation and lack of equal opportunities poses to the common man and the deleterious effects it has on the society in general and on those who suffer from these perils in particular but if education does not suffice to produce a civilized and harmonious society, then all the initiatives taken to bring about the socio-economic changes will be in vain.

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