"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: AliSyed
Full Name: Ali Syed
User since: 7/Jul/2013
No Of voices: 22
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Media comission report leaked:

Breaking News: Supreme Court’s Media Commission report has been leaked on the internet by some anonymous source. This commission includes highly respectable Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid and Justice Javed Jabbar. This scan from the commission report shows irrefutable evidence of Pakistani Media’s direct connection with the known enemies of Islam and Pakistan. The scan is not of the highest quality so we have optimized it a bit for clarity. The transcript of the highlighted parts of Media Commission report is given below:
* It was revealed that lot of funds were pouring into the media outlet from abroad in the form of sponsorship. For instance “Zara Socheeya” programme had received sponsorship to the extent of Pounds 20 million.
* It was also reported that programmes prepared by Indian producers were being sold to parties in Dubai from where these programmes were coming to Pakistan. It was difficult to provide documentary proof of such deals.
* Another instance reported was that of “Aman Ki Aysha” programme which was being funded by Norwegian NGO named “Friends without Borders”. Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the foot-prints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian State Television, the Doordarshan.
* Commission was informed that PEMRA had initiated dialogue with the Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA) on the issue of content regulation and the code of conduct. But there has been no positive response from the PBA. They, on the other hand, have preferred to approach the courts

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