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User Name: afzal_zeshan
Full Name: afzal zeshan
User since: 4/Apr/2008
No Of voices: 59
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Slaughter of Muslims in Burma - June 2012
Posted By: afzal_zeshan Created On: 29/Jul/2012 Views: 7684 Replies: 1 
After reading and watching helplessly the recent massacre of minority Burmese Muslims by the Buddhist majority, let not another hypocrite sing that phoney and repugnant 'song' about Buddhists being "peaceful."In June 2012, hundreds Burmese Muslims have been butchered, and many more injured and made homeless in Burma as a result religious intolerance by the Buddhist majority. The Burmese military Click here to read Full Article

صدقہ کی طاقت
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 25/Jan/2011 Views:3622 Replies:0 
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جان بچانےکےلیےچوری کافتوٰی جاری کرنےپرغور۔امت
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 22/Jan/2011 Views:4157 Replies:0 
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Think For Pakistan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 15/Jan/2011 Views:4158 Replies:1 
Pakistanis are poor but Pakistan is not a poor country”, says one of the Swiss Bank Directors. He says that “28 trillions (28,000,000,000,000) of Pak Rupees are deposited in Swiss Banks which can be used for: Click here to read Full Article
قرب قیامت کی بہتر نشانیاں
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 5/Jan/2011 Views:3728 Replies:0 
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اپنى قيمت كا اندازه لگائیے
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 3/Nov/2010 Views:3679 Replies:0 
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This year the Saudi government has rejected only TWO (2) Hajj applications.
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 13/Oct/2010 Views:3939 Replies:0 
This year the Saudi government has rejected only TWO (2) Hajj applications. Click here to read Full Article
ذراسوچیے !
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:3896 Replies:0 
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A very very serious warning ...while air travel
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 13/Sep/2010 Views:4171 Replies:0 
Yesterday only I came to know of a case from a friend of mine which is very scary. One of his friends was traveling to UK via Dubai. Unfortunately he was carrying a packet of Khas Khaas which is a commonly used spice in some Indian curries and sweets. Khas Khaas is also known as poppy seed which can be sprouted to grow narcotics (afeem etc.). Click here to read Full Article
A request from A Father (Zubair Mahmood)
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 5/Jun/2010 Views:4918 Replies:0 
My daughter Sana , 26 years old mother of two (1 ½ year old son and 3 ½ month daughter) is battling for life at Aga Khan University Hospital From last 2 ½ months. She is suffering from 4th stage cancer. The doctors have given us all hopes that she will recover InshALLAH but Then I have trust in ALLAH Click here to read Full Article
Darkht Laga loo Agya Ab "Value Added Tax (VAT)"
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 30/May/2010 Views:3672 Replies:0 
Darkht Laga loo Agya Ab "Value Added Tax (VAT)" Click here to read Full Article

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