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User Name: Ghost
Full Name: Ghost
User since: 14/Aug/2006
No Of voices: 126
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From Racism to Islam
Posted By: Ghost Created On: 23/Sep/2006 Views: 1129 Replies: 0 
My journey to Islam was not the usual one. Most white converts I have met Click here to read Full Article

Muslim girl flees London to wed her internet Hindu
Posted By: Ghost On: 20/Sep/2006 Views:1428 Replies:3 
IT IS a tale of forbidden love that has delighted the Indian press. But a Muslim schoolgirl’s decision to flee from London to India to marry a Hindu man she met on the internet has not exact Click here to read Full Article
The Mufti of Saudi Arabia on the Terrorist Attacks In The USA
Posted By: Ghost On: 19/Sep/2006 Views:1692 Replies:0 
Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Aal ash-Shaikh made an official statement on the recent events in New York, USA, as follows: Click here to read Full Article
UK, US Dailies Censure "Ill-Advised" Pope
Posted By: Ghost On: 19/Sep/2006 Views:1651 Replies:0 
this is an example of media control by Christains and jews Click here to read Full Article
Did Pope realise what the effect of his words would be?
Posted By: Ghost On: 19/Sep/2006 Views:1644 Replies:0 
IN THE fallout from the furore over the Pope’s remarks on Islam one issue above all is being debated in Rome: did he realise what the effect of his words would be, or is the pontiff an unwor Click here to read Full Article
5 Years On, No Closer to Catching Osama
Posted By: Ghost On: 11/Sep/2006 Views:1142 Replies:2 
Armies have been mobilised, phones tapped, huge rewards offered - yet Osama bin Laden is still at liberty. Does anyone even have the faintest idea where he is? Click here to read Full Article
Bush warns of Iraqi caliphate
Posted By: Ghost On: 6/Sep/2006 Views:1011 Replies:0 
President Bush vowed on Tuesday to prevent al Qaeda from setting up a violent, radical Islamic empire based in Iraq, which he said was Osama bin Laden,s ultimate goal. Click here to read Full Article
The War Is Lost
Posted By: Ghost On: 6/Sep/2006 Views:978 Replies:0 
The Pentagon,s latest quarterly "progress" report to Congress on Iraq is a grim tale of a lost war. The Pentagon told Congress what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and propaganda organs such as Fox Click here to read Full Article
How We Can Coexist
Posted By: Ghost On: 4/Sep/2006 Views:1053 Replies:0 
A little while ago, educated people had been discussing a paper Click here to read Full Article
Israelis Hold Keys to NSA and U.S. Government Computers
Posted By: Ghost On: 3/Sep/2006 Views:1603 Replies:0 
The most critical computer and communication networks used by the U.S. government and military are secured by encryption software written by an Israeli "code breaker" tied to an Israeli stat Click here to read Full Article
A travel agent offered me a 21 day special.
Posted By: Ghost On: 29/Aug/2006 Views:1310 Replies:0 
He told me I would fly from New York to London.Then from Tokyo back to New York. Click here to read Full Article

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