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User Name: Ghost
Full Name: Ghost
User since: 14/Aug/2006
No Of voices: 126
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Quranic Evidences : Yajooj-o-Majooj
Posted By: Ghost Created On: 12/Oct/2006 Views: 5406 Replies: 1 
Quranic Evidences : Yajooj-o-Majooj Click here to read Full Article

20 golden rules for your success
Posted By: Ghost On: 12/Oct/2006 Views:2266 Replies:1 
20 golden rules for your success Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan HEC vs Pak-Army War
Posted By: Ghost On: 8/Oct/2006 Views:1842 Replies:9 
THE appointment of a retired brigadier as the vice-chancellor of Bolan University by the Balochistan government is contrary to what FAPUASA and the HEC had expected. Click here to read Full Article
Pervez Musharraf : Military misjudgement
Posted By: Ghost On: 6/Oct/2006 Views:1232 Replies:0 
The Pakistani leader,s memoir may be a bestseller, but it does him little justice Click here to read Full Article
Dr. Zakir Naik invites Pope Benedict XVI for Open Interfaith Dialogue
Posted By: Ghost On: 5/Oct/2006 Views:1985 Replies:0 
Eminent scholar of comparative religion Dr. Zakir Naik has invited Pope Benedict XVI for an open inter-faith dialogue. Click here to read Full Article
Fasting in Ramadan: Lessons & Moralities
Posted By: Ghost On: 5/Oct/2006 Views:1690 Replies:7 
Allah, Most High, says, "Blessed be He in whose hand is the Sovereignty, and He is able to do all things. He created death and life that He may try which of you is best in deed. Click here to read Full Article
Iraq Suspends Entire Baghdad Police Brigade for Links to Death Squads
Posted By: Ghost On: 5/Oct/2006 Views:1083 Replies:1 
The Iraqi Interior Ministry has suspended an entire Iraqi police brigade on suspicions that some members may have permitted, or even participated in, death squad killings, American military Click here to read Full Article
The nuclear shopping-mall: AQ Khan and Iran
Posted By: Ghost On: 4/Oct/2006 Views:1972 Replies:2 
The worldwide network in sales of nuclear technology created by the Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan is a key element in the stand-off between Tehran and Washington, says Gordon Corera. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan said to play both sides on terror war
Posted By: Ghost On: 3/Oct/2006 Views:1525 Replies:0 
FINGER-POINTING: Police Commissioner A.N. Roy, above, says evidence shows that Pakistan,s ISI planned a series of train bombings in Mumbai in July. Click here to read Full Article
Pervez Musharraf, "A bully in military uniform"
Posted By: Ghost On: 2/Oct/2006 Views:1501 Replies:3 
Many Canadians are rightfully upset at the derisive manner with which Pakistan,s ruler, General Pervez Musharraf, mocked our soldiers serving in Afghanistan. Click here to read Full Article
A Portrait of the President as the Victim of His Own Certitude
Posted By: Ghost On: 2/Oct/2006 Views:1415 Replies:1 
President Bush emerges as a passive, impatient, sophomoric and intellectually incurious leader, presiding over a grossly dysfunctional war cabinet and given to an almost religious certainty Click here to read Full Article

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