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User Name: Ghost
Full Name: Ghost
User since: 14/Aug/2006
No Of voices: 126
Ghost's Favorite Voices
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Start talking to Hezbollah
Posted By: Ghost Created On: 20/Aug/2006 Views: 1931 Replies: 0 
Start talking to Hezbollah ,What a waste Click here to read Full Article

Yet another defeat for Bush
Posted By: Ghost On: 20/Aug/2006 Views:1879 Replies:0 
Yet another defeat for Bush Click here to read Full Article
Fasting, like Salaat and Zakaat, is fundamental
Posted By: Ghost On: 20/Aug/2006 Views:1957 Replies:0 
Fasting, like Salaat and Zakaat, is fundamental institution of Islam Click here to read Full Article
The Real Reason for Invading Iraq
Posted By: Ghost On: 19/Aug/2006 Views:1842 Replies:0 
Our leaders had the audacity to say the Gulf War made America feel good again. How morally corrupt are we that we need a war to feel good about ourselves? Click here to read Full Article
Introduction to Literary Excellence of the Qu·ran
Posted By: Ghost On: 18/Aug/2006 Views:1584 Replies:0 
An Introduction to the Literary Excellence of the Qu,ran Click here to read Full Article
Is Gen. Pervez Musharraf a drinker? images attach
Posted By: Ghost On: 14/Aug/2006 Views:38199 Replies:62 
Gen. Pervez Musharraf is a very bad drinker, according to unofficial sources many times he needs extra help to get back to home Click here to read Full Article
Musharraf Denies Rape Comments?here is the truth
Posted By: Ghost On: 14/Aug/2006 Views:5416 Replies:1 
Gen. Pervez Musharraf, the president of Pakistan, has denied telling The Washington Post in an interview last week that claiming rape has become a "moneymaking concern" in Pakistan and that Click here to read Full Article

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