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User Name: afzal_zeshan
Full Name: afzal zeshan
User since: 4/Apr/2008
No Of voices: 59
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sunaa hai log use aankh bhar ke dekhte hain - so us ke shah'r men kuchh din
Posted By: afzal_zeshan Created On: 4/Jan/2009 Views: 5085 Replies: 3 
sunaa hai log use aankh bhar ke dekhte hain - so us ke shah'r men kuchh din Thahar ke dekhte hain Click here to read Full Article

NIKE and PUMA wrote Allah on their shoes
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 25/Dec/2008 Views:136831 Replies:73 
If this is just a co-incidence or an illusion then how can this happen simultaneously with two big brands. I strongly think this is yet another conspiracy against Muslims. Click here to read Full Article
Your Lord Creates what He wills and what He Chooses- Surah Al-Qasas: 28
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 18/Dec/2008 Views:2066 Replies:0 
.Look at these photos and try to imagine the feeling, the thrill of experiencing this phenomenon close-up and Allah swt's Creation Plan!! SubhanAllah Click here to read Full Article
امریکی اداروں اور اقوام متحدہ نے ایم کیو ایم کو دہشتگرد قرار دے دیا۔
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 11/Dec/2008 Views:2227 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
Letter to Mr.Bill Gates from Banta singh
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 9/Dec/2008 Views:2601 Replies:0 
Dear Mr Bill Gates, This letter is from Banta Singh from Punjab. We have bought a computer for our home and we found problems, which I want to bring to your notice. Click here to read Full Article
Self explanatory images (The way Pakistan heading to..)
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 28/Nov/2008 Views:2856 Replies:1 
Few jobs advertisements which appears in Pakistani newspapers Click here to read Full Article
First divorce due to 9-11 attacks, excellent
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 27/Nov/2008 Views:2212 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
How to stop cough in 5 minutes!!! This is a must try
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 27/Nov/2008 Views:1561 Replies:0 
We have all been kept awake by our own or someone else''s cough. Try this and pass it on. The tip and not the cough. Click here to read Full Article
This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in US!!!
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 25/Nov/2008 Views:2601 Replies:0 
A few years ago, Prime Minister Mori was given some basic English conversation training before he visits Washington and meets president Bill Clinton... Click here to read Full Article
Good Story !
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 24/Nov/2008 Views:1663 Replies:0 
''Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, Click here to read Full Article
This article made GEO go off the air in Karachi & Sind since 6.00 AM
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 22/Nov/2008 Views:5072 Replies:1 
Praise be to Syed Khurshid Shah, federal minister and very senior member of the Pakistan People''s Party. In these times of recession and economic crisis, Shah has decided to celebrate his son''s weddin Click here to read Full Article

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