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User Name: Mathal
Full Name: Dj Mathal
User since: 14/Apr/2008
No Of voices: 115
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Time to expose facts on Kargil war By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal Created On: 30/Mar/2009 Views: 12424 Replies: 0 
WARS always bring destruction and the claims that wars are fought to achieve peace at the end is baseless and a mere propaganda. For the greater good of humanity it is imperative that there should be no war at all. If a government or a state, how strong it may be, goes to war for any reason its cons Click here to read Full Article

Divided we fall By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 23/Mar/2009 Views:5089 Replies:0 
If the people of Gilgit-Baltistan get united by shunning all differences and prejudices what would be its outcome? This is a terse question but its answer is very long and heart-wrenching. When we sift through the history of Gilgit-Baltistan before the creation of Pakistan, we never find any inciden Click here to read Full Article
Cutting of forests & law of the jungle By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 16/Mar/2009 Views:5172 Replies:0 
THE scenic land of Gilgit-Baltistan is fast denuding of its greenery. Due to rampant poverty and unemployment coupled with the ever rising inflation, the local residents have no other option but to fell trees for use as fuel. Besides, the timber mafia is continuing without any check to cut trees and Click here to read Full Article
Rising nationalism in Pakistan - then why to criticize Gilgit-Baltistan By Dj mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 8/Mar/2009 Views:13267 Replies:0 
Pakistan, at present, is engulfed in a dangerous wave of nationalism instead of its basic track of federation. Sindh is divided into two distinct parts: In Karachi and its adjoining areas the Urdu speaking population holds sway while the Bhutto family-led party controls the rest of the Sindh provinc Click here to read Full Article
Effects of Pakistani politics on Gilgit Baltistan By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 2/Mar/2009 Views:2080 Replies:0 
For the last over one decade Pakistan has been passing through great political upheavals. From the ouster of Nawaz Sharif government in 1999 to the recent disqualification of the Sharif brothers by th Click here to read Full Article
Effects of Pakistani politics on Gilgit Baltistan by DJ Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 2/Mar/2009 Views:5813 Replies:0 
For the last over one decade Pakistan has been passing through great political upheavals. From the ouster of Nawaz Sharif government in 1999 to the recent disqualification of the Sharif brothers by th Click here to read Full Article
No room for sympathy with usurpers By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 22/Feb/2009 Views:7327 Replies:0 
Natural disasters are common in Gilgit-Baltistan. In winter the area is usually hit by rains and snowfall while in summer flooding in rivers and streams brings miseries to the people, causing losses o Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan negates its own claim By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 18/Feb/2009 Views:4251 Replies:0 
One of the responsibilities of a state is to provide protection and economic security to people living in any part the land under its control. If it fails to do so, the state has no right to call itse Click here to read Full Article
KIU in the spotlight - but for bad news By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 2/Feb/2009 Views:3398 Replies:0 
THE Karakurum International University (KIU) made headlines in the local press throughout the week, not for any achievement in education or research work but for continuing protests and strikes after Click here to read Full Article
New Setup is but a fairy tale By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 26/Jan/2009 Views:8151 Replies:0 
THE most disappointing aspect in Gilgit-Baltistan is that uneducated, ignorant and ineligible people have always occupied the helms of affairs in the region while the people, who are less educated, ha Click here to read Full Article
Mockery of justice in Gilgit Baltistan By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 21/Jan/2009 Views:5289 Replies:0 
MAKING mockery of justice in Gilgit-Baltistan once again, the federal government has installed a retired Supreme Court of Pakistan justice as the chief judge of the Northern Areas Appellate Court. At Click here to read Full Article

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