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User Name: Mathal
Full Name: Dj Mathal
User since: 14/Apr/2008
No Of voices: 115
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Let the election process take its course By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal Created On: 7/Jun/2009 Views: 3667 Replies: 0 
Yet another tenure of the so-called Northern Areas Legislative Assembly (NALA), which was formed as an advisory council to legislate on the local issues during the Ayub era, expires in October this year. The members elected to the house five years back seem to have utterly failed to bring basic chan Click here to read Full Article

No more political shenanigans. By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 25/May/2009 Views:5022 Replies:0 
Once again, there is a conspiracy galore in Gilgit-Baltistan to hoodwink the simple and innocent people in the name of packages, promising everything under the sun. These days the local leadership of the ruling party is making all-out efforts taking due advantage of the party’s government in the cen Click here to read Full Article
The economic strangulation by Dj mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 19/May/2009 Views:3794 Replies:0 
The Northern Areas Legislative Assembly (NALA) had approved a Rs5.56 billion development budget for the fiscal year 2008-09. This amount was slated to be utilized for development projects in the region including construction and renovation of school buildings, upgradation, repair of existing roads a Click here to read Full Article
Fear, despondency in Gilgit-Baltistan By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 10/May/2009 Views:5444 Replies:0 
OMINOUS clouds are hovering over Gilgit-Baltistan and it seems everyone in this region has lost hope and lives in a desperate life with fear and anguish. In particular, the over 100,000 people living in the Gilgit city are the worst off with lack of security and deteriorating law and order situation Click here to read Full Article
Karachi accord roots of all ills By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 3/May/2009 Views:5673 Replies:0 
The so-called Karachi agreement of April 28, 1949, has brought the whole Gilgit-Baltistan at the verge of destruction. Today the region burning in fire under the fragile administrative control of Pakistan is a slap on the conscience of those rulers of Islamabad and Azad Kashmir who committed the fra Click here to read Full Article
Islamabad's role in 'Great Game' By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 27/Apr/2009 Views:5974 Replies:0 
THE brutal killing of Northern Areas Legislative Assembly (NALA) deputy speaker Syed Asad Zaidi has sent a wave of anger throughout Gilgit-Baltistan. The enemy has struck a horrible game. But more horrible is the fact that the identity of the enemy remains blurred and may never be known keeping in v Click here to read Full Article
Save Gilgit-Baltistan By Dj mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 24/Apr/2009 Views:4774 Replies:0 
Human rights in Gilgit-Baltistan have been trampled for the last over 61 years. These have not been limited to accidental violations of rights but the population in the region has been badly affected by the situation as a whole. Gilgit-Baltistan is the only region in the 21st century where over two Click here to read Full Article
Attention chief justice of Pakistan! by DJ Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 6/Apr/2009 Views:4885 Replies:0 
Honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhdy, with due respect it is stated that being a newspaper of a very backward area like Gilgit-Baltistan which is still deprived of its fundamental rights, we consider it our responsibility to raise voice for solution of Click here to read Full Article
Time to expose facts on Kargil war By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 30/Mar/2009 Views:12424 Replies:0 
WARS always bring destruction and the claims that wars are fought to achieve peace at the end is baseless and a mere propaganda. For the greater good of humanity it is imperative that there should be no war at all. If a government or a state, how strong it may be, goes to war for any reason its cons Click here to read Full Article
Divided we fall By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 23/Mar/2009 Views:5089 Replies:0 
If the people of Gilgit-Baltistan get united by shunning all differences and prejudices what would be its outcome? This is a terse question but its answer is very long and heart-wrenching. When we sift through the history of Gilgit-Baltistan before the creation of Pakistan, we never find any inciden Click here to read Full Article
Cutting of forests & law of the jungle By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 16/Mar/2009 Views:5172 Replies:0 
THE scenic land of Gilgit-Baltistan is fast denuding of its greenery. Due to rampant poverty and unemployment coupled with the ever rising inflation, the local residents have no other option but to fell trees for use as fuel. Besides, the timber mafia is continuing without any check to cut trees and Click here to read Full Article

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