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User Name: Ghost
Full Name: Ghost
User since: 14/Aug/2006
No Of voices: 126
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Taking On the President Pervez Musharraf
Posted By: Ghost Created On: 29/Aug/2006 Views: 1148 Replies: 0 
Knowing that they,re running out of time, even longtime rivals in the opposition are uniting against Musharraf,s regime. Click here to read Full Article

Malaysia:Nation·s secular vision v writing on wall
Posted By: Ghost On: 29/Aug/2006 Views:1148 Replies:0 
Letter from Malaysia: Nation,s secular vision vs. ,writing on the wall, Click here to read Full Article
Bush·s single greatest achievement
Posted By: Ghost On: 29/Aug/2006 Views:1226 Replies:0 
"Bush,s single greatest achievement has been to unite our enemies and divide our allies"................................ Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan struggles to identify Taliban
Posted By: Ghost On: 29/Aug/2006 Views:1174 Replies:0 
With violence rising in Afghanistan - including a suicide bombing Monday - attention focuses on Pakistani city. Click here to read Full Article
Hizballah and Iran rushing to rebuild Lebanon -
Posted By: Ghost On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:2011 Replies:0 
The War For Hearts and Minds -By rushing to rebuild Lebanon, Hizballah and Iran are spreading their influence in the Middle East. Can the U.S. do more? Click here to read Full Article
Murder of a Pakistani prompts anti-immigrant ITALY
Posted By: Ghost On: 27/Aug/2006 Views:2120 Replies:0 
BRESCIA, Italy A series of unrelated murders this month has pushed this elegant city to the center of a national debate on the challenges of immigration and intercultural integration. Click here to read Full Article
Hijab helps Muslim women find own place in the Wes
Posted By: Ghost On: 24/Aug/2006 Views:2517 Replies:5 
“Hijab helps Muslim women find own place in the West” Click here to read Full Article
A start-up Web site takes on the giants
Posted By: Ghost On: 24/Aug/2006 Views:3320 Replies:0 
A start-up Web site takes on the giants Click here to read Full Article
Media Targetting of the Tablighi Jamaat:
Posted By: Ghost On: 20/Aug/2006 Views:2024 Replies:0 
Media Targetting of the Tablighi Jamaat: Click here to read Full Article
How much lies can one take? Even CNN can·t (video)
Posted By: Ghost On: 20/Aug/2006 Views:2042 Replies:0 
How much lies can one take? Even CNN cannot Click here to read Full Article
Fearful Iraqis Avoid Mosques as Attacks Rise
Posted By: Ghost On: 20/Aug/2006 Views:1858 Replies:0 
Fearful Iraqis Avoid Mosques as Attacks Rise Click here to read Full Article

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